Search Results » Education NZ (2024)

  • Applications for the 2024 PPP New Zealand-German academic exchange programme are now open!

    An information session is being held on Tuesday 23 April and is open to all New Zealand and German academics (graduates, doctoral candidates, doctorate holders, professors and lecturers). Click here to register for the information session and click here for more information on the PPP programme.

    Please share this information with your networks.

  • ENZ Agent Seminars in China make a strong impact for rebuilding connections

    China is the largest source of international students for New Zealand with agents being the leading channel for student recruitment in this market. Building strong connections between providers and agents in China is critical to recovering student mobility, improving awareness of New Zealand as a study destination and strengthening New Zealand's market position. ENZ's Agent Seminars in China are a well-recognised and impactful way of building relationships with a range of key agents.

    Search Results » Education NZ (1)

    Education Counsellor and ENZ’s Regional Director Greater China, Michael Zhang, (far left) at the Beijing Agent Seminar with representatives from New Oriental Education Agency and H.E. Grahame Morton, New Zealand Ambassador to People’s Republic of China.

    In addition, Agent Seminars also help to keep agents informed with the latest official information and is an important tool that Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) and other NZ Inc agencies use to share such information. According to recent Immigration New Zealand (INZ) data, agents in China have a high approval rate for student visa processing.

    Currently, ENZ runs its Agent Seminar series twice a year in this region and this latest series of events held in Chengdu, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Beijing were supported by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and INZ. INZ’s China-based representatives gave in-person presentations, an initiative which was well received with 88% of agents reporting its inclusion as “very or extremely important to their attendance in a post-event survey.

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    Participants at the Hong Kong Agent Seminar discuss New Zealand education offerings.

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    Kevin Wang from the International College of Auckland presenting at the Shanghai Agent Seminar.

    Toleverage the visibility of New Zealand education providers in the China market, ENZ facilitated media interviews and social media recordings for participants at the Shanghai and Chendgu Seminars. New Zealand providers and ENZ representatives in Chengdu conducted interviews with 13 journalists, the highest response rate for media attending Agent Seminars to date. As a result, three million views were achieved from 58 stories published by 27 local media outlets, with New Zealand university representatives quoted in a media story and an exclusive interview and story for Te Pūkenga on the uniqueness of New Zealand's vocational education in a separate article.

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    Joyce Zhang, University of Otago, is interviewed by a journalist from local media in Chengdu at the ENZ Agent Seminar.

    In Shanghai, the ENZ Shanghai team delivered a China marketing insights session for sector representatives. The presentation titled “Unlocking China’s Education Market: Insights and tools for successcovered:

    • The key drivers of the consumer

    • China’s media/digital/social media landscape​

    • The big four – WeChat, Little Red Book, Douyin and Bilibili (case studies included)

    • ENZ’s China local marketing plan​.

    Anyone interested in receiving a copy of the Marketing Presentation can access this here on ENZ’s Intellilab.

    ENZ collaborated with Shinyway, the largest agent in the eastern region of China to produce short videos for the agency to promote online. The online promotion aimed to leverage brand awareness of a New Zealand education showcasing New Zealand providers attending the Shanghai event. A big kudos goes to the 18 brave New Zealand representatives who accepted the invitation to participate in the filming. Education Counsellor and Regional Director Greater China, Michael Zhang, was also interviewed to present the advantages of a New Zealand education and our institutions across all sectors.

    Shinyway has published all the videos on their consumer-facing social media platforms, including WeChat, Little Red Book, and Weibo. The collaboration enhances New Zealand providers’ market exposure by leveraging Shinyway's influence across their digital platforms and reaching prospective audiences in China elevating our brand profile within a highly targeted audience group.

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    Mary Nixon, Principal of Takapuna Grammar School participating in the recording for sharing on social media. The first trial video published on Shinyway's WeChat received over 300 engagements including likes, shares, favorites and comments.

    87.5% of New Zealand education providers alsosaid that attendance at the seminars was either very valuable or valuable for their organisation.”

    The dates and locations for the next round of Agent Seminars in China will be announced soon. These details will be posted on the ENZ Events page along with the link for registering.

  • From the Acting Chief Executive: A lot to be proud of

    Tēnā koutou katoa

    Earlier this month a New Zealand business publication ran a column that challenged the role of international education in delivering ourGovernment’s objective of double the export earnings. As you might expect, I could not let the challenge go unanswered. You can read the full response on the ENZ website, but I thought there was merit in highlighting a couple of the key points along with some of the excerpts as they provide a good summary of the state of international education in New Zealand today.

    The first point I made in my response confirmed that students are returning. We recently published the Ministry of Education’s enrolment data for 2023 (part-year) which firmly backed this up.

    “Students are returning to New Zealand. In the first eight months of 2023 international student enrolments topped 59,000 with all sectors experiencing growth except wānanga. Accepting that it is from a low base, comparing 2023 to 2022, Universities have bounced back strongly reporting a 15% increase from 24,040 to 27,535.“

    “In the first eight months of 2023 English Language Schools saw the greatest percentage increase in international enrolments, increasing by 347% from 1,565 to 7,001. Schools reported a 114% increase from 5,925 to 12,662. NZIST Te Pūkenga, a 32% increase from 4,955 to 6,560 and Private Training Establishments (funded and unfunded), a 13% increase from 5,000 to 5,671.”

    Of these enrolments, students from India continue to provide the second highest number of enrolments in New Zealand. In recognition of our valued partnership, I am delighted to announce that the Republic of India will headline as Country of Honour at NZIEC KI TUA 2024.

    The designation of Country of Honour at NZIEC KI TUA celebrates our international education connections with partner countries and I am pleased that we can celebrate the growing education connections between our two countries in this way. You can read more about this announcement along with a call for speakers in our E-News story here.

    The second point from my response that I would like to reiterate is that: We have a plan and the sector is working together to deliver.

    I highlighted that “The New Zealand International Education Strategy, revised in 2022, sets out a multi-year action plan to develop a high-value, resilient and innovative education sector for both international and domestic students. Further the new Government’s manifesto made clear their vision and priorities for international education. “

    “I can also assure you that the sector is working together to achieve its goals, that all eight universities participated in a recent ENZ-led delegation to India, is just one example of the co-operation.”

    It was very timely that I then received a wonderful note of appreciation from a Dunedin City Councillor this week for the work of the many people within ENZ and the sector involved with the recent Korean agent famil. This was further evidence that we are working collaboratively as a sector and delivering benefits to the international education ecosystem and our regions.

    Councillor Christine Garey said “The input from ENZ has helped over the years to establish and maintain an international education ecosystem in the city. It’s encouraged transitions between school and tertiary education and supported a strong growth agenda with increased higher quality students staying longer.

    However, of particular benefit has been access to inbound/outbound famils and delegations. ENZ’s support in bringing agents to our city has been especially valuable and allowed us to showcase what Ōtepoti, Dunedin has to offer. There is no replacement for this in person experience and we look forward to these visits continuing to rebuild relationships globally.

    Study Dunedin and the international education ecosystem are in good heart here in Ōtepoti Dunedin, working collaboratively and effectively. We look forward to ENZ’s continuing support and especially, we warmly look forward to welcoming future famils to our city.”

    Keep up the great work, everyone.

    He manawa tītī

    Endurance is a virtue that cannot be understated.

    Dr Linda Sissons

    Acting Chief Executive

  • Tokyo Board of Education seeks NZ education providers for Masterclass promotional opportunity

    The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education (BoE) is one of Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao’s (ENZ) education cooperation arrangement partners in Japan. The BoE is currently looking for 1-2 New Zealand education providers to provide online classes for their Virtual Study Abroad session, part of the Tokyo English Channel.

    These classes are designed to provide Tokyo secondary school students with the opportunity to connect with education providers from around the world, including New Zealand. During these sessions, students are exposed to new ways of thinking from lecturers while interactingand enhancing their communication skills in English with other international participants. The deadline to submit an expression of interest (EOI) is Tuesday 29 May COB NZT.

    ENZ’s Senior Market Development Manager, Misa Kitaoka, said that this opportunity gives New Zealand providers a chance to promote themselves to a wide audience that includes high school students in Japan learning English as a second language as well as a larger audience of English-speaking students from Australia, Canada, Egypt, Finland, France, Indonesia, Jordan, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, UAE, and Viet Nam.

    This is a great opportunity for Education New Zealand and New Zealand providers to work with the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education to co-develop educational materials for a significant number of Japanese secondary school students. In 2023, the BoE Virtual Study Abroad pages received 840,000 views.

    Lecture videos will include promotional materials from your institution and will be publicly accessible on the BoE website after the Virtual Study Abroad Session,” said Misa.

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    Screenshot of the BoE website which hostedMassey University classes in 2022. The videos can be accessed via this link.

    The online lectures will contain:

    1. Two pre-class videos: Introduction of the lecture theme and discussion topics of approximately 5 minutes each. The pre-recorded videos will be streamed on the Virtual Study Abroad website for students to watch before participating in the actual lecture.

    2. Actual lecture: Delivered online via Zoom or other video conference system on 14 October or 4 November 2024. The lecture contains:

    1. Atwo-minute school promotion (pre-recorded video)
    2. Lecture PartOne. Presentation from the lecturer (10 minutes)
    3. 20 minutes of group discussion
    4. A 10-minute presentation by students
    5. Lecture PartTwo. Presentation from the lecturer (10 minutes)
    6. 20 minutes of group discussion
    7. A 10-minute presentation by students
    8. A five-minute wrap up

    The event overview and EOI requirements can be found in this document: Tokyo English Channel_Virtual Study Abroad_Lecture Themes and Event Outline.pdf.

    Interested parties can submit their EOI by completing this online form:

    Selection Criteria includes:

    1. Lecture Theme: Is the lecture theme relevant to New Zealand orthe New Zealand-Japan relationship?
    2. Abstract: Does the abstract clearlyshow New Zealand’s capability or strengths in the selected topic?
    3. Audience: Is the lecture abstract engaging and interesting for the target audience of high school students?

    The timeline for the EOI process is as follows:


    • 31 May: ENZ submits the New Zealand finalists to Tokyo BoE
    • 28 June: NZ finalists confirm the lecture title and abstract with Tokyo BoE
    • 30 August: NZ finalists work with Tokyo BoE nominated vendor to record pre-lectures
    • 30 August: NZ finalists provide school/institution promotion video* to Tokyo BoE

    *School/institution promotion video doesn’t have to be recorded for this purpose. The school/institution can provide their existing videos e.g. already on YouTube, etc.

    14 October or 4 November: Participate in online event

    Examples from past event can be found via these links:

    TOKYO ENGLISH CHANNEL - Bond University

    TOKYO ENGLISH CHANNEL - Ipswich Grammar School

    Questions about the Tokyo English Channel can be sent to ENZ’s Japan team at

  • Agents get a taste of ENZ’s ‘Future of Sustainable Food’ pilot at ICEF ANZA 2024

    Over 50 international education agents at the ICEF ANZA workshop held in Ōtautahi Christchurch from 22 to 24 April experienced Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao's (ENZ) education pathways prototype (Stage 1). The prototype was designed to introduce students to the huge global opportunity around sustainable food design and production, and the world-leading education pathways from New Zealand institutions that can open employment doors into a wide range of exciting careers.

    “In New Zealand, you can learn from top experts and study in the heart of where food is grown, technology is advanced, and industry opportunities abound."

    This pilot came about in response to agents’ demand for more information about what expertise sets New Zealand apart from other destinations and makes a New Zealand education unique.

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    An education agent from Australia trials the ‘Future of Sustainable Food’ prototype at the ICEF ANZA conference held in Ōtautahi Christchurch last month.

    To develop the pilot, ENZworked with Jix Reality – a Christchurch-based tech company headed up by an ex-international student to New Zealand – using virtual reality to provide an immersive and engaging experience, including examples of real New Zealand study environments. The user journey involved a visualisation of the full breadth of the food production value chain, illustrating how this goes well beyond agriculture to encompass other domains and careers such as food engineering, value chain management and marketing. The experience went on to highlight New Zealand’s credentials as one of the world’s top food developers and exporters, and allowed the user to browse relevant study programmes and consider which one could lead them to their desired future career.

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    Jix Reality Founder, Sakthi Ranganathan, (right) is seen here demonstrating the sustainable food production narrative on an interactive table with an education agent from Kenya.

    ENZ’s General Manager Sector Engagement and Innovation, Wendy Kerr, was on hand at the workshop to talk to the agents and collect feedback via a survey. Wendy said that the results were very clear – agents agreed almost unanimously that the prototype provided new and useful information about New Zealand’s strengths, study pathways for students and future employment opportunities in this field.

    “92% also confirmed that this experience made it more likely that they would recommend New Zealand as a study destination.

    “One agent said that they think it is a great tool to market New Zealand as students can see their future and make informed decisions while another told me that it was a great experience and the tech and approach is ahead of its time,” added Wendy.

    Search Results » Education NZ (9)

    ICEF ANZA Chief Executive, Markus Badde, trialled the VR experience and is pictured here providing his feedback to Jix Reality Founder, Sakthi Ranganathan, and ENZ’s GM Sector Engagement and Innovation, Wendy Kerr.

    Attending education providers also had the opportunity to try the prototype, one describing it as “a wonderful virtual reality marketing tool which is of enormous value to agents, schools and service providers. A great investment and even better you have used a Christchurch based company to develop it.”

    This pilot forms part of ENZ’s Innovation and Growth programme, seeking new ways to support the diversification and growth of the international education sector. The next stage for the pilot will be for ENZ’s Innovation and Growth team to use the feedback collected to develop the prototype further. It will then be turned into a marketing tool that is more accessible, informative and scalable for agents to use with students.

    If you’d like to help us with beta testing or contribute content to future stages please register your interest with

  • From the Acting Chief Executive: Cold temperatures, warm hearts

    Tēnā koutou katoa

    As a recent “polar blast” bought frost and icy conditions across New Zealand, my thoughts turned to the international students who arrived here in the warmth of summer. Living a long way from home in a different country is challenging enough without being subjected to freezing conditions. The good news is that all our research and everything we hear from our international students is that the welcome and manaakitanga they receive is universally warm.

    In our Student Experience survey of 4,755 international students from the end of last year, more than 70 nationalities, 84 percent rated their overall experience positively, while another 83 percent said they would recommend New Zealand as a study destination.

    Last Wednesday, along with our Chair, Tracey Bridges, we appeared before the Education and Workforce Select Committee comprising nine Members of Parliament. This happens every year. As a government agency it is part of reporting to Parliament. I am extremely heartened by the level of interest all the committee members had in international education. It is good to know the sector has advocates within Parliament.

    Tracey has recently returned from Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines as a member of the business delegation supporting Prime Minister, Rt Hon Christopher Luxon. Education was a big part of the Prime Minister’s itinerary, and it was great to have Tracey in the delegation. Throughout the entire trip we took every opportunity to emphasise the benefits of international education to the Prime Minister. A good example was in Thailand where ENZ hosted a series of engagements, including the New Zealand Alumni Networking Event. At this event the Prime Minister met 25 accomplished New Zealand alumni, who have made substantial contributions to the bilateral relationship between New Zealand and Thailand. You can read more about the visit in our E-News article here.

    New Zealanders going offshore for an experience is an important part of international education and ENZ’s work. It is pleasing then to see 60 applications for the group round of the Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia and Latin America that closed 19 April 2024. Of the 60, 22 were for Latin America and 38 for Asia. The applications are being assessed and successful scholarship recipients will be determined in a few weeks’ time.

    In summary it has been, as it always is, a busy and productive month across international education. May will be no different.

    Waiho kia pātai ana, he kaha ui te kaha

    Let the questioning continue; the ability of the person is in asking questions.

    Keep warm everyone.

    Dr Linda Sissons
    Acting Chief Executive

  • 50 Malaysian educators experience New Zealand’s interactive early childhood education

    On 9-10 May 2024, Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ), the Ministry of Education Malaysia, and the University of Auckland co-hosted a two-day workshop for Malaysian educators. The theme of the workshop was "Engage, Explore, Excel: Interactive Play Strategies for Effective Preschool Education".

    The workshop gave approximately 50 Malaysian preschool educators the opportunity to see and experience for themselves some of New Zealand’s innovative and interactive approaches to education that start in early childhood education facilities. The workshop was also an opportunity to strengthen bilateral ties between our two countries.

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    Workshop participants discussing learning techniques used in New Zealand early childhood institutions.

    Professor Marek Tesar, a distinguished early childhood education expert from the University of Auckland led the workshop and shared his expertise with the group. He highlighted innovative approaches to implementing interactive outdoor play and used practical insights with theoretical foundations to enhance the educators' skills and knowledge. This included leading the group through experiential activities and thought-provoking discussions, including how outdoor play can instil a sense of environmental stewardship among teachers and children.

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    Malaysian early childhood educators at the workshop on "Engage, Explore, Excel: Interactive Play Strategies for Effective Preschool Education".

    Ben Burrowes, ENZ’s Regional Director Asia (excluding China) and Acting General Manager International, and Emma Verry from the New Zealand High Commission in Kuala Lumpur attended the session and extended warm welcome remarks, underscoring the importance of international collaboration in advancing early childhood education in both countries.

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    From left to right: ENZ’s Ben Burrowes, Juraida Binti Umat Bidin, Deputy Director of Preschool Sector Curriculum Development Division and Nooraini Binti Kamaruddin, Senior Deputy Director Curriculum Development Division from the Ministry of Education Malaysia, Emma Verry from the New Zealand High Commission, ENZ’s Market Manager for Indonesia and Malaysia Naluri Bella, and University of Auckland’s Professor Marek Tesar. They are pictured here after the exchange of commemorative gifts in recognition of the occasion.

    Ben said that the workshop gave a wonderful opportunity for educators from Malaysia to come together to hear from Professor Tesar and explore the multifaceted benefits of interactive play.

    “Our two countries recognise the critical importance of the formative years in a child’s development and the profound impact that quality early childhood education can have on their future success and well-being.

    “Participants were all very enthusiastic about discovering new ways to engage and empower their students. We hope this will lead to more collaboration and sharing of ideas between our two countries that educators and students alike can benefit from,” said Ben.

  • Latest Immigration New Zealand update: English translations will be required for visitor visa suppor

    English translations will be required for visitor visa supporting documents

    Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has announced that from 17 June 2024, all supporting documentssubmitted with visitor visa applications to INZ must be provided in English. This includes visitor visa applications from people wanting to study for less than three months.

    For further information on what this means please see the announcement on the INZ website: English translations will be required for visitor visa supporting documents | Immigration New Zealand.

    There are no plans at this stage for student visas to follow suit.

  • Search Results » Education NZ (2024)
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