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Ragnaros is coming in our next major patch, Patch 30.4, bundled with 3 Shaman packs and 3 Warrior packs for $60 (USD) or 6000 Runestones. That’s one of the priciest cosmetic bundles we’ve ever done, so I wanted to talk a little about our product strategy as a whole and what it means for all Hearthstone players.


First, let me say that our main goal for Hearthstone is that it remains a game that is easy to pick up and play. That means removing barriers that would prevent players from joining us all in the Tavern, including cost barriers. The core game is about collecting cards and winning on ladder, and that’s where we’ve continuously made the game more approachable for our players. You’ve seen our work in this area through features like catch-up packs, improved loaner decks, the recently revamped new- and returning-player experience, and so much more, going all the way back to changes like duplicate protection and our ladder revamps. These are the types of improvements that keep it so that players can jump into Hearthstone without spending anything, build up a good collection, and climb up the ladder.


But Hearthstone is a game with all kinds of different players, and we’re also working to make sure every type of player has something that delights them in the Tavern.


What we've learned over time is there are many Hearthstone players who really care about cosmetics. These are players who have shown a lot of excitement for cosmetics with a higher quality bar–like the C’Thun hero skin and our revamped Signature cards. Part of the draw for these players is awesome visuals and effects, and being delighted by the additional work and artistry that goes into making something at that high bar. Though we know not every player falls in that category, we do want to continue serving those players with the most awesome cosmetics we can.


Premier cosmetics like Ragnaros and future Mythic Hero Skins will let us deliver an awesome experience to players who want the ultimate flair–and let me tell you, Ragnaros is awesome. And what’s great about cosmetics is that they’re never mandatory to play and enjoy the game; instead, they help us invest more into the offerings and systems within Hearthstone.


Part of our strategy to keep these types of ultra-premium cosmetics special is that we don’t seek to do too many of them. We do plan to continue to regularly offer options across a range of price points, including free grants and items earned through play. One of my favorite experiences when I’m playing Hearthstone is when I see an older card back or skin on ladder that I haven’t seen in awhile and I get to rediscover how beautiful or funny they are. I love seeing the personality of my opponents in that way and I hope you do, too, whether you want to spend money on cosmetics or not. In this same patch we’ll have a free event that gives a card back, a cosmetic coin, and two different hero skins. This is also the patch where all Wild game boards will be in rotation for the Standard format–and we have plans for a “Favorite Boards” feature to come later down the line, too.


We have a lot of other exciting irons in the fire, too. We’re currently deep into work on the major Arena update we have planned for early next year. And, for our core Standard players, we have some fun updates ahead of us with the build up to our next expansion, including something we’ve never done before!


Finally, I haven’t forgotten that I teased pets in my last post. Those are on-track for next year, so I’ll probably have more to share on that in early 2025.


See you in the Tavern,

\r\n- Nathan","created":1724881644238,"created_at":"2024-08-28T21:48:34.806Z","created_by":"blt5df76b0deb28d131","custom_publish":false,"defaultCommunity":"hearthstone","defaultUrl":"https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/blog/24135705","draft":false,"featured_map":false,"header":{"mediaId":24122334,"url":"https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/blog_header/tj/TJX4M611GW0L1721947075261.jpg","mimeType":"image/jpeg","type":"fullsize","size":303391,"width":1520,"height":540,"originalFileName":"HS_24_July_Blog_Header_1520x540_DB03_A.jpg","mediaType":2},"keywords":["hs-homepage"],"legacy_metadata":{"cui_metadata":[{"uid":"blt0e240deae2f6010e","_content_type_uid":"legacy_metadata_cui_phx"}]},"localizationPublish":1725469200000,"poll_attached":false,"publish":1725469200000,"show_ptr":false,"show_rating":false,"site_category":"COMMUNITY","spotlight":false,"status":"live","sticky_for_this_locale":true,"summary":"Nathan Lyons-Smith here to share some insight into updates coming in 30.4 and beyond. ","tags":["hs-homepage"],"thumbnail":{"mediaId":24122333,"url":"https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/blog_thumbnail/78/78OUSG2EOJK71721947059321.jpg","mimeType":"image/jpeg","type":"fullsize","size":198633,"width":880,"height":440,"originalFileName":"HS_24_July_Blog_Thumb_880x440_DB03_A.jpg","mediaType":1},"contentTitle":"Ragnaros is Heating Up the Tavern:24135705","updated":1725396138030,"updated_at":"2024-09-03T20:56:32.536Z","updated_by":"blt5df76b0deb28d131","publish_details":{"environment":"bltd99ec9e26d7ebd47","locale":"en-us","time":"2024-09-04T17:00:03.764Z","user":"blt5df76b0deb28d131"}},{"_version":38,"locale":"en-us","uid":"blt1a5fbe13f1de3c28","ACL":{},"_in_progress":false,"author":"Blizzard Entertainment","id":24136211,"blogId":24136211,"title":"Extend Your Vacation with the Traveling Travel Agency!","slug":"extend-your-vacation-with-the-traveling-travel-agency","comment_key":"us.en_us.blog.24136211","commentsEnabled":true,"communities":["HEARTHSTONE"],"community_blogs":[{"sticky":true,"defaulted":true,"community":"HEARTHSTONE","communityId":22}],"content":"

A lot of planning and coordination goes into perfecting paradise. Tourism is booming after The Marin’s grand opening, with more options than ever before. Now, you can make the most of your next trip with the Perils in Paradise Mini-Set: The Traveling Travel Agency!


The Traveling Travel Agency, launching September 10, consists of 38 new cards: 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card, 17 Rare cards, and 16 Common cards. Those cards can either be opened in Perils in Paradise packs or purchased as a completed 72-card set.* Normal versions of the Mini-Set can be purchased for $14.99 USD or 2000 Gold. The all-Golden version of the Mini-Set can be purchased for $69.99 USD or 10,000 Gold, and includes a bonus Diamond Legendary card!


* Includes one copy of each Legendary card and 2 copies of each other card in the Mini-Set.



Meet the Travel Experts


The Traveling Travel Agency flies around Azeroth scouting vacation locations and making dreams come true. This wonderful workplace is run by two familiar faces: Dungar and Zephrys!


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Travelmaster Dungar has flown all around the world, drumming up customers for the Traveling Travel Agency. When you play him, immediately summon three minions from across different expansions! He’s also the bonus Diamond card included in the Golden Mini-Set. How will you build your deck to get the most value out of his flight?






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Dreamplanner Zephrys has the magic to make your vacation dreams come true—call him up and tell him what type of trip you want to take! But be warned that he’s a little overwhelmed by all the new wishes, so he could give you two cards that might just be what you’re looking for—or might not. Make sure you prepare for unexpected detours!





Vacation’s all good and fun, but a lot of serious work goes into running a travel agency. The Traveling Travel Agency also features several cards that keep that office running. Including this star Imployee! You never know who you’ll see at the water cooler.


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Take a Brochure


Not sure what kind of vacation you want to take? Grab a brochure! The Traveling Travel Agency includes three two-sided Brochure cards that swap each turn (they always start with the same side up--in this case, Un'Goro Brochure).


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Exciting New Tourists


The Traveling Travel Agency includes two more Legendary Tourist cards, to be revealed soon! What new class combinations will they open up? Check out the official Card Library for more reveals all week long!


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Patch 30.2.2, launching today, includes balance changes across modes.



Hearthstone Updates


The following cards have been adjusted to be weaker:


Dev Comment: The Standard metagame has a variety of decks that are feeling balanced against one another. Because of that, we’re only changing a couple cards that are leading to unhealthy play patterns that we want to address. Tidepool Pupil is quite strong, and is allowing decks to copy key cards too easily and play them too many times per game. We hope this change doesn’t delete the card from the metagame entirely, but does make it less effective as an enabler for combos and spells that are particularly effective when repeated many times per game. Doomkin isn’t as much a statistical outlier, but is causing more frustration. The card seems to have overstayed its welcome, so we are slowing it down by a turn to decrease its popularity.


Tidepool Pupil


  • Old: [1 Mana] 2/1
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [2 Mana] 2/2
  • \r\n


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  • Old: [6 Mana] 3/4
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [7 Mana] 4/5
  • \r\n


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Dev Comment: On the Wild side, we’ve identified a few play patterns that are over the line even for the powerful Wild format. Secret Passage has been a focal point across almost all Rogue decks since its creation, enabling an unhealthy power level across the class as a whole. On top of that, Wildpaw Gnoll could too easily be played on turn 1, keeping opponents from developing onto the board from the start of the game. This change makes the turn 1 Gnoll less common and makes playing multiple Gnolls less efficient. The sheer volume of spells that Sorcerer’s Apprentice allows is something we think should be addressed, so we’re making it no longer go to 0. With that change, we think it’s safe to return to its original mana cost.



Wildpaw Gnoll


  • Old: [5 Mana]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [6 Mana]
  • \r\n


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Secret Passage


  • Old: [1 Mana]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [2 Mana]
  • \r\n


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Sorcerer’s Apprentice


  • Old: [4 Mana] Your spells cost (1) less.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [2 Mana] Your spells cost (1) less (but not less than 1).
  • \r\n


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The above disenchantable cards will be eligible for full dust refunds for two weeks following Patch 30.2.2.



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The following cards have been adjusted to be stronger:


Dev Comment: Since our last round of changes, there are a few classes that still don’t have many competitive options as others. These changes focus primarily (but not entirely) on bolstering those classes’ new Perils in Paradise offerings.



Treasure Hunter Eudora


  • Old: [6 Mana]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [5 Mana]
  • \r\n


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Maestra, Mask Merchant


  • Old: [6 Mana]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [5 Mana]
  • \r\n


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Metal Detector


  • Old: 2/2
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 3/2
  • \r\n


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Furious Fowls


  • Old: Choose an enemy. Summon two 3/2 Birds with Immune while attacking to attack it.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Choose an enemy. Summon two 3/3 Birds with Immune while attacking to attack it.
  • \r\n


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Mystery Egg


  • Old: [5 Mana] Miniaturize. Deathrattle: Get a copy of a random Beast in your deck. It costs (5) less.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [4 Mana] Miniaturize. Deathrattle: Get a copy of a random Beast in your deck. It costs (4) less.
  • \r\n


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  • Old: [2 Mana]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [1 Mana]
  • \r\n


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  • Old: 4 Mana Sandwich
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 3 Mana Sandwich
  • \r\n


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Food Fight


  • Old: Summon a 0/6 Entree for your opponent. When it dies, summon a minion from your deck.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Summon a 0/4 Entree for your opponent. When it dies, summon a minion from your deck.
  • \r\n


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Boom Wrench


  • Old: [4 Mana]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [3 Mana]
  • \r\n


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Watercolor Artist


  • Old: [4 Mana] 4/4
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [3 Mana] 3/3
  • \r\n


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Raylla, Sand Sculptor


  • Old: 2/5
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 2/6
  • \r\n


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Marooned Archmage


  • Old: 3/3
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 3/4
  • \r\n


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DJ Manastorm


  • Old: [10 Mana]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [9 Mana]
  • \r\n


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  • Old: 4/3. Deathrattle: Get 3 random first-edition Demon Hunter cards (in mint condition).
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 4/4. Battlecry, Outcast, and Deathrattle: Get a random first-edition Demon Hunter card (in mint condition).
  • \r\n


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Battlegrounds Updates


General Update


Now that players have started to get the hang of Trinkets, we’ve reduced turn timers back to their normal lengths.



Hero Change


Guff Runetotem – Natural Balance


  • Old: Passive. After you buy 30 Tiers’ worth of cards, get a Triple Reward.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Passive. After you buy 25 Tiers’ worth of cards, get a Triple Reward.
  • \r\n


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Lesser Trinket Changes




  • Old: [1 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [0 Gold]
  • \r\n


Kodo Leather Pouch


  • Old: [2 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [0 Gold]
  • \r\n


Souvenir Stand


  • Old: [3 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [2 Gold]
  • \r\n


Fishy Sticker


  • Old: [2 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [1 Gold]
  • \r\n


Alliance Keychain


  • Old: [4 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [3 Gold]
  • \r\n


Token of the Old Gods


  • Old: [1 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [0 Gold]
  • \r\n


Feral Talisman


  • Old: [3 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [2 Gold]
  • \r\n


Replica Cathedral


  • Old: [3 Cost]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [2 Cost]
  • \r\n


Azeroth Model Globe


  • Old: [3 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [2 Gold]
  • \r\n


Demonblood Gourd


  • Old: [1 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [0 Gold]
  • \r\n


Shaker Portrait


  • Old: [7 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [6 Gold]
  • \r\n


Rockin’ Music Box


  • Old: [1 Gold] At the end of each turn, get a random Battlecry minion.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [3 Gold] Get a random Battlecry minion. At the start of each turn get another.
  • \r\n


Quilligraphy Set


  • Old: [5 Gold] Avenge (4): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [2 Gold] Avenge (5): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1 Health this game.
  • \r\n


Automaton Portrait


  • Old: [7 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [6 Gold]
  • \r\n


Charging Staff


  • Old: [3 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [4 Gold]
  • \r\n


Lava Lamp


  • Old: [3 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [4 Gold]
  • \r\n


Comfy Coffin


  • Old: [4 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [5 Gold]
  • \r\n


Colorful Compass


  • Old: [2 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [3 Gold]
  • \r\n


Tiger Carving


  • Old: [2 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [3 Gold]
  • \r\n


Dalaran Cheese Wheel


  • Old: [4 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [5 Gold]
  • \r\n



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Greater Trinket Changes


Elementium Chest


  • Old: [0 Gold] Each combat, after 3 friendly Pirates attack, gain 1 Gold next turn.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [3 Gold] Each combat, after 2 friendly Pirates attack, gain 1 Gold next turn.
  • \r\n


Spitescale Sushi Roll


  • Old: [6 Gold] Get a ‘Spitescale Special’. Your Spellcraft spells cast twice.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [4 Gold] Get a ‘Spitescale Special’. Your first two Spellcraft spells each turn cast twice.
  • \r\n


Enforcer Portrait


  • Old: [Lesser, 7 Gold] Get a ‘Lightfang Enforcer’. Your Lightfang Enforcers have all minion types.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [Greater, 1 Gold] Get a ‘Lightfang Enforcer’. Your Lightfang Enforcers have all minion types.
  • \r\n


Blood Golem Sticker


  • Old: [4 Gold] Whenever a friendly Quilboar dies, summon a Golem with stats equal to its Blood Gems. (3 times per combat.)
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [3 Gold] Whenever a friendly Quilboar dies, summon a Golem with stats equal to its Blood Gems. (2 times per combat.)
  • \r\n


Rivendare Portrait


  • Old: [2 Gold] Get a ‘Titus Rivendare’. Start of Combat: Give your Titus Rivendares Stealth.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [3 Gold] Get a ‘Titus Rivendare’. Start of Combat: Double the Health of your Titus Rivendares.
  • \r\n


Felbat Portrait


  • Old: [7 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [9 Gold]
  • \r\n


Dalaran Cheese Wheel


  • Old: [4 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [6 Gold]
  • \r\n


Darnassus Pie


  • Old: [3 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [5 Gold]
  • \r\n


Quilligraphy Set


  • Old: [5 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [7 Gold]
  • \r\n


Butcher’s Sickle


  • Old: [5 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [7 Gold]
  • \r\n


Comfy Coffin


  • Old: [5 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [6 Gold]
  • \r\n


Twin Sky Lanterns


  • Old: [2 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [4 Gold]
  • \r\n


Emerald Dreamcatcher


  • Old: [5 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [7 Gold]
  • \r\n


Fridge Magnet


  • Old: [3 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [4 Gold]
  • \r\n


Conductor Portrait


  • Old: Get a ‘Snarling Conductor’. Whenever you discard a card, play a Blood Gem on all your minions.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Get a ‘Snarling Conductor’. Whenever you discard a card, play a Blood Gem on 5 friendly minions.
  • \r\n


Booty Bay Brew


  • Old: Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +2/+4.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +3/+4.
  • \r\n


Karazhan Chess Set


  • Old: Start of Combat: Summon a copy of each of your minions.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Start of combat: Summon a copy of your 2 left-most minions.
  • \r\n


Artisanal Urn


  • Old: Your Undead have +7 Attack.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: You Undead have +8 Attack.
  • \r\n


Glowscale Portrait


  • Old: [4 Gold]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [3 Gold]
  • \r\n


Kodo Leather Pouch


  • Old: After you buy a card, give a friendly minion +4/+4.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: After you buy a card, give a friendly minion +5/+5.
  • \r\n


Feral Talisman


  • Old: Your minions have +5/+3.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Your minions have +6/+4.
  • \r\n


Mug of the Sire


  • Old: Whenever you would summon a minion that doesn’t fit in your warband, give your minions+4 Attack.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Whenever you would summon a minion that doesn’t fit in your warband, give your minions +5 Attack.
  • \r\n


Valorous Medallion


  • Old: Start of Combat: Give your minions +5/+5.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Start of Combat: Give your minions +6/+6.
  • \r\n


Dragonwing Glider


  • Old: Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +6 Attack.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +8 Attack.
  • \r\n


Horde Keychain


  • Old: Your minions from Tier 3 or lower have +6/+4.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Your minions from Tier 3 or lower have +7/+5.
  • \r\n


Glowing Gauntlet


  • Old: Minions in the Tavern have +7/+7.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Minions in the Tavern +8/+8.
  • \r\n


Hearthstone Official Game Site (41)


Card Changes


Lightfang Enforcer


  • Old: 6/6. At the end of your turn, give a friendly minion of each type +3/+3.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 8/6. At the end of your turn, give a friendly minion of each type +4/+3.
  • \r\n


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Snail Cavalry


  • Old: 2/3
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 2/2
  • \r\n


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Zesty Shaker


  • Old: 5/4. Once per turn, when a spell is played on this, get a new copy of it.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 6/6. Once per turn, when a Spellcraft spell is played on this, get a new copy of it.
  • \r\n


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Crow’s Nest Sentry


  • Old: 5/2. Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +3 Health.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 4/2. Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +4 Health.
  • \r\n


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Ice Fisher


  • Old: [Tier 6] 8/8
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [Tier 5] 2/2
  • \r\n


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Cruise Controller


  • Old: 6/3. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, after you summon a Pirate, give it +4 Attack.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 7/3. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, after you summon a Pirate, give it +5 Attack.
  • \r\n


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Thundering Abomination


  • Old: 2/6. Whenever you summon a minion in combat, give it +2/+2. If there’s no space, gain +2/+2 permanently.
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 3/6. Whenever you summon a minion in combat, give it+3/+2. If there no space, gain +3/+2 permanently.
  • \r\n


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Bountiful Bedrock


  • Old: [Tier 3] 4/3
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [Tier 2] 2/2
  • \r\n


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Ancestral Automaton


  • Old: Has +3/+2 for each other Ancestral Automaton you’ve summoned this game (wherever this is).
  • \r\n\t
  • New: Has +2/+1 for each other Ancestral Automaton you’ve summoned this game (wherever this is).
  • \r\n


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Wannabe Gargoyle


  • Old: 5/1
  • \r\n\t
  • New: 9/1
  • \r\n


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Hunter of Gatherers


  • Old: [Tier 5] 3/6
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [Tier 4] 3/5
  • \r\n


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Channel the Devourer


  • Old: [Tier 6]
  • \r\n\t
  • New: [Tier 5]
  • \r\n


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Minion Pool Changes


  • Upbeat Frontdrake and Corrupted Myrmidon have been returned to the minion pool.
  • \r\n



Armor Changes


The following Heroes now have more Armor:




  • High Rank: 17, Lower Rank: 5, Duos: 14
  • \r\n


Vanndar Stormpike


  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 13
  • \r\n




  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 12
  • \r\n


Kurtrus Ashfallen


  • High Rank: 17, Lower Rank: 17, Duos: 13
  • \r\n


Patches the Pirate


  • High Rank: 18, Lower Rank: 5, Duos: 13
  • \r\n




  • High Rank: 18, Lower Rank: 7, Duos: 15
  • \r\n


Kael’thas Sunstrider


  • High Rank: 18, Lower Rank: 18, Duos: 15
  • \r\n


Edwin VanCleef


  • High Rank: 20, Lower Rank: 20, Duos: 17
  • \r\n




  • High Rank: 16, Lower Rank: 16, Duos: 14
  • \r\n


Mr. Bigglesworth


  • High Rank: 19, Lower Rank: 17, Duos: 17
  • \r\n


Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher


  • High Rank: 18, Lower Rank: 18, Duos: 15
  • \r\n



The following Heroes now have less Armor:




  • High Rank: 8, Lower Rank: 8, Duos: 5
  • \r\n


Arch-Villain Rafaam


  • High Rank: 12, Lower Rank: 12, Duos: 10
  • \r\n


Dinotamer Brann


  • High Rank: 14, Lower Rank: 14, Duos: 11
  • \r\n


Doctor Holli’dae


  • High Rank: 8, Lower Rank: 8, Duos: 5
  • \r\n


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Bug Fixes and Game Improvements


  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Miniaturize and Gigantify didn’t work after a card went backwards into a zone (like bouncing from field to hand or moving from hand into deck).
  • \r\n\t
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Tickatus’s Raise the Stakes didn’t turn the card Golden.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Tiger Carving (Greater) Trinket only gave +2 Attack instead of +4.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug in Duos where the Bob-blehead Trinket applied to both teammates when one person got it.
  • \r\n


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Patch 30.2, launching on August 20, brings Battlegrounds Season 8: Trinkets & Travels!





Table of Contents





  • Battlegrounds Season 8, Featuring Trinkets!
  • \r\n\t
  • Lesser Trinkets
  • \r\n\t
  • Greater Trinkets
  • \r\n\t
  • New Battlegrounds Hero: Marin the Manager
  • \r\n\t
  • Battlegrounds Hero Updates
  • \r\n\t
  • Battlegrounds Armor Updates
  • \r\n\t
  • New Battlegrounds Cards
  • \r\n\t
  • Battlegrounds Card Pool Updates
  • \r\n\t
  • Battlegrounds Card Update
  • \r\n\t
  • New Battlegrounds Track and Season Pass
  • \r\n\t
  • New Arena Season
  • \r\n\t
  • In-Game Event: The Marin Resort's Treasure Hunt
  • \r\n\t
  • Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl
  • \r\n\t
  • Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
  • \r\n







Stop by the Trinket Shop: Battlegrounds Season 8 is Open


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On August 20, Battlegrounds Season 7 will end and Season 8 will begin. That means ratings will reset for Battlegrounds and Duos, Buddies will be removed, and the Battlegrounds Track will switch over. All rewards that were earned on the Season 7 track, but not yet claimed, will be automatically claimed.


Learn more about the upcoming Season, including a preview event on August 19, in our Season 8 Announcement Blog.


New Mechanic: Trinkets


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Trinkets are passive power-ups that you buy with Gold and then use for the rest of the game! The Trinket shop is open twice per game: on turns 6 (the 8-Gold turn) and 9. Each offering, you’ll get 4 Trinkets to choose from, influenced by your Hero, the Minion Types in the game, and your Warband.


Lesser Trinkets (Turn 6 Pool)


See the Card Library for images of all the Trinkets once Patch 30.2 goes live.


Feral Talisman

  • [3 Gold*] Your minions have +2/+1.
  • \r\n

Lucky Tabby

  • [2 Gold] After 6 friendly minions die, get a random Beast.
  • \r\n

Tiger Carving

  • [2 Gold] Whenever a friendly minion takes damage, give a random friendly minion +2 Attack permanently.
  • \r\n

Felblood Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get a ‘Slimy Felblood.’ Your Fiery and Slimy Felbloods give Attack and Health.
  • \r\n

Rewinder Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get a ‘Soul Rewinder’ and a ‘Wrath Weaver’. Your Soul Rewinders also gain Attack.
  • \r\n

Glowing Gauntlet

  • [4 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +3/+3.
  • \r\n

Darnassus Pie

  • [1 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1 for each minion you’ve sold this turn.
  • \r\n

Demonblood Gourd

  • [1 Gold] Spellcraft: Choose a friendly minion. It consumes a random minion in the Tavern to gain its stats.
  • \r\n

Holy Mallet

  • [3 Gold] Start of Combat: Give your left and right-most minions Divine Shield.
  • \r\n

Valorous Medallion

  • [2 Gold] Start of Combat: Give your minions +2/+2.
  • \r\n

Dragonwing Glider

  • [1 Gold] Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +3 Attack.
  • \r\n

Smuggler Portrait

  • [1 Gold] Get a ‘Whelp Smuggler’. Your Whelp Smugglers are Dragons.
  • \r\n\t
  • Dev Comment: This applies to Whelp Smugglers you see in the Tavern or Discover as well, not just the ones in your warband.
  • \r\n

Training Certificate

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Double the stats of your two lowest-Attack minions.
  • \r\n

Rockin’ Music Box

  • [4 Gold] At the end of each turn, get a random Battlecry minion.
  • \r\n

Lava Lamp

  • [3 Gold] After you sell 4 minions, get a random Elemental.
  • \r\n

Nomi Sticker

  • [4 Gold] After you play an Elemental, Elementals in the Tavern have +1/+1 this game.
  • \r\n

Primordial Terrarium

  • [4 Gold] After you play an Elemental, your next Tavern spell costs (1) less.
  • \r\n

Dalaran Cheese Wheel

  • [4 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1. Upgrades every 3 times you Refresh.
  • \r\n

Kodo Leather Pouch

  • [2 Gold] After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +2/+1.
  • \r\n

Charging Staff

  • [3 Gold] At the end of each turn, give your minions with Divine Shield +4 Attack.
  • \r\n

Kaboom Bot Portrait

  • [2 Gold] Get a ‘Kaboom Bot’. Your Kaboom Bots’ Deathrattles deal 8 extra damage.
  • \r\n

Automaton Portrait

  • [5 Gold] Get an ‘Ancestral Automaton’. Start of Combat: Summon an Ancestral Automaton.
  • \r\n

Blingtron’s Sunglasses

  • [3 Gold] After you summon a Mech in combat, give a friendly Mech Divine Shield.
  • \r\n

Nerglish Phrasebook

  • [1 Gold] After you play a minion, give the left-most minion in your hand +3/+3.
  • \r\n

Belcher Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get an ‘Operatic Belcher’. Whenever a friendly minion loses Venomous, it gains +5/+5 permanently.
  • \r\n

Rusty Trident

  • [3 Gold] Start of Combat: Give your Naga, “Deathrattle: Get a random Spellcraft spell.”
  • \r\n

Replica Cathedral

  • [3 Gold] Your first spell each turn casts twice.
  • \r\n

Shaker Portrait

  • [6 Gold] Get a ‘Zesty Shaker’. Your Zesty Shakers give an extra copy of the spell.
  • \r\n

Lorewalker Scroll

  • [4 Gold] Whenever you cast a spell on a minion, give it +2/+2.
  • \r\n

Ship in a Bottle

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Get and summon a random Pirate. It attacks immediately.
  • \r\n

Booty Bay Brew

  • [3 Gold] Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +1/+2.
  • \r\n

Ceremonial Sword

  • [3 Gold] Whenever a friendly minion attacks, give it +4 Attack.
  • \r\n

Hoggy Bank

  • [3 Gold] Start of Combat: Give your Quilboar “Deathrattle: Get a Blood Gem”.
  • \r\n

Quilligraphy Set

  • [4 Gold] Avenge (4): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game.
  • \r\n

Great Boar Sticker

  • [1 Gold] Your Blood Gems give an extra +3 Attack.
  • \r\n

Eternal Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get an ‘Eternal Knight’. Start of Combat: Give your Eternal Knights Taunt and Reborn.
  • \r\n

Twin Sky Lanterns

  • [2 Gold] When you have space, summon a copy of the first minion you summon each combat.
  • \r\n

Staff of the Scourge

  • [3 Gold] Avenge (5): Give a random friendly minion Reborn.
  • \r\n

Comfy Coffin

  • [4 Gold] After you cast a Tavern spell, your Undead have +1 Attack this game (wherever they are).
  • \r\n

Fishy Sticker

  • [2 Gold] Start of Combat: Summon a Fish of N’Zoth that copies Deathrattles.
  • \r\n

Artisanal Urn

  • [3 Gold] Your Undead have +3 Attack.
  • \r\n

Windrunner Necklace

  • [3 Gold] Your left-most minion in combat has +8 Attack in combat.
  • \r\n

Alliance Keychain

  • [4 Gold] The first time a friendly minion dies each combat, give its maximum stats to a random friendly minion.
  • \r\n

The Eye of Dalaran

  • [2 Gold] Whenever a friendly minion with no type dies, get a random Tavern spell.
  • \r\n

Colorful Compass

  • [2 Gold] Get a random <minion type>. At the start of each turn, get another.
  • \r\n\t
  • Dev Comment: The minion type offered will be your most common minion type.
  • \r\n

Yogg-Tastic Pastry

  • [5 Gold] Spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron. At the start of each turn, spin it again.
  • \r\n

Enforcer Portrait

  • [6 Gold] Get a ‘Lightfang Enforcer’. Your Lightfang Enforcers have all minion types.
  • \r\n

Innkeeper’s Stein

  • [2 Gold] The Tavern offers an extra minion of a higher Tier whenever it is Refreshed.
  • \r\n

Azeroth Model Globe

  • [4 Gold] At the start of every 2 turns, Discover a Tier 6 minion.
  • \r\n

Goldenizer Supply

  • [0 Gold] At the end of every 3 turns, get a Goldenizer.
  • \r\n

Token of the Old Gods

  • [1 Gold] Spellcraft: Transform a minion into one of a Tier higher.
  • \r\n

Souvenir Stand

  • [4 Gold] When you buy your Greater Trinket, this transforms into a copy of it.
  • \r\n

Trip Vouchers

  • [2 Gold] In 2 turns, choose a Greater Trinket to buy and replace this.
  • \r\n

Goblin Wallet

  • [2 Gold] At the end of each turn, increase your Maximum Gold by 1.
  • \r\n


  • [2 Gold] The Tavern no longer offers cards from Tier 1 or Tier 2.
  • \r\n

Book of Medivh

  • [5 Gold] Discover a Tavern spell. At the start of each turn, Discover another.
  • \r\n

* All listed Trinket Costs are base Costs. Trinket Costs may be influenced by the minion types in the game and your warband.


Hearthstone Official Game Site (69)


Greater Trinkets (Turn 9 Pool)


Feral Talisman

  • [3 Gold] Your minions have +5/+3.
  • \r\n

Tiger Carving

  • [2 Gold] Whenever a friendly minion takes damage, give a random friendly minion +4 Attack permanently.
  • \r\n

Glowing Gauntlet

  • [4 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +7/+7.
  • \r\n

Nomi Sticker

  • [5 Gold] After you play an Elemental, Elementals in the Tavern have +2/+2 this game.
  • \r\n

Dalaran Cheese Wheel

  • [4 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +2/+2. Upgrades every 3 times you Refresh.
  • \r\n

Nerglish Phrasebook

  • [1 Gold] After you play a minion, give the left-most minion in your hand +6/+6.
  • \r\n

Belcher Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get an ‘Operatic Belcher’. Whenever a friendly minion loses Venomous, it gains +15/+15 permanently.
  • \r\n

Booty Bay Brew

  • [3 Gold] Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +2/+4.
  • \r\n

Quilligraphy Set

  • [3 Gold] Avenge (4): Your Blood Gems give an extra +2/+2 this game.
  • \r\n

Twin Sky Lanterns

  • [2 Gold] When you have space, summon 2 copies of the first minion you summon each combat.
  • \r\n

Gilnean Thorned Rose

  • [3 Gold] Avenge (3): Give your minions +3/+3 permanently and deal 1 damage to them.
  • \r\n

Slamma Sticker

  • [3 Gold] After you summon a Beast in combat, double its stats.
  • \r\n

Rivendare Portrait

  • [2 Gold] Get a ’Titus Rivendare’. Start of Combat: Give your Titus Rivendares Stealth.
  • \r\n

Nether Pendant

  • [2 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1. Upgrades every 4 times your hero takes damage.
  • \r\n

Felbat Portrait

  • [5 Gold] Get a ‘Famished Felbat’. The Tavern always has 7 cards.
  • \r\n

Darnassus Pie

  • [3 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +2/+2 for each minion you’ve sold this turn.
  • \r\n

Valorous Medallion

  • [3 Gold] Start of Combat: Give your minions +5/+5.
  • \r\n

Dragonwing Glider

  • [1 Gold] Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +6 Attack.
  • \r\n

Shaman Prayer Beads

  • [3 Gold] After you buy 2 Battlecry minions, get a random Battlecry minion.
  • \r\n

Emerald Dreamcatcher

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Set your Dragons’ Attack to the highest in your warband.
  • \r\n

Jarred Frostling

  • [3 Gold] Start of Combat: Give 2 friendly Elementals ‘Deathrattle: Summon a Flourishing Frostling’.
  • \r\n

Azerite Portrait

  • [5 Gold] Get a ‘Living Azerite’. Your Living Azerites also give stats to friendly Elementals.
  • \r\n

Kodo Leather Pouch

  • [2 Gold] After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +4/+4.
  • \r\n

Fridge Magnet

  • [3 Gold] Avenge (3): Get a random Magnetic minion.
  • \r\n

Charging Staff

  • [3 Gold] At the end of each turn, give your minions with Divine Shield +7 Attack.
  • \r\n

Mechagon Adapter

  • [4 Gold] After a friendly Mech loses Divine Shield, give it Divine Shield. (3 times per combat.)
  • \r\n

Boom Controller

  • [4 Gold] When you have space, summon an exact copy of your first Mech that died each combat.
  • \r\n

Essence of Dreams

  • [2 Gold] Get a ‘Dreamer’s Embrace’. At the start of each turn, get another.
  • \r\n

Bronzebeard Portrait

  • [1 Gold] Get a ‘Brann Bronzebeard’. Your Brann Bronzebeards are both Murlocs and Dragons.
  • \r\n

Tinyfin Onesie

  • [2 Gold] Start of Combat: Your left-most minion gains the stats of the highest Health minion in your hand.
  • \r\n

Spitescale Sushi Roll

  • [6 Gold] Get a ‘Spitescale Special’. Your Spellcraft spells cast twice.
  • \r\n

Glowscale Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get a ‘Glowscale’. Your first Spellcraft enchantment each turn is permanent.
  • \r\n

Lorewalker Scroll

  • [2 Gold] Whenever you cast a spell on a minion, give it +5/+5.
  • \r\n

Elementium Chest

  • [3 Gold] Each combat, after 3 friendly Pirates attack, gain 1 Gold next turn.
  • \r\n

Balladist Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get a ‘Lovesick Balladist’. At the start of each turn, get another.
  • \r\n

Designer Eyepatch

  • [5 Gold] You only need 2 copies of a Pirate to make it Golden.
  • \r\n

Fancy Spellbook

  • [3 Gold] After you spend 7 Gold, get a random Tavern spell.
  • \r\n

Conductor Portrait

  • [3 Gold] Get a ‘Snarling Conductor’. Whenever you discard a card, play a Blood Gem on all your minions.
  • \r\n

Great Boar Sticker

  • [6 Gold] Your Blood Gems give an extra +4/+4.
  • \r\n

Jar o’ Gems

  • [3 Gold] Each combat, after 2 friendly minions attack, play a Blood Gem on all your Quilboar.
  • \r\n

Blood Golem Sticker

  • [4 Gold] After a friendly Quilboar dies, summon a Golem with stats equal to its Blood Gems. (3 times per combat.)
  • \r\n

Butcher’s Sickle

  • [3 Gold] Get a ‘Butchering’ and a random Undead with a Deathrattle. At the start of each turn, repeat this.
  • \r\n

Artisanal Urn

  • [5 Gold] Your Undead have +7 Attack.
  • \r\n

Mug of the Sire

  • [3 Gold] Whenever you would summon a minion that doesn’t fit in your warband, give your minions +4 Attack.
  • \r\n

Comfy Coffin

  • [4 Gold] Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, your Undead have +2 Attack this game (wherever they are).
  • \r\n

Reinforced Shield

  • [3 Gold] Whenever you summon a minion, give it Divine Shield. (4 times per combat.)
  • \r\n

Fishy Sticker

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Summon a Golden Fish of N’Zoth that copies Deathrattles.
  • \r\n

Windrunner Necklace

  • [4 Gold] Your left-most minion in combat has +20 Attack in combat.
  • \r\n

Bronze Timepiece

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Set each of your minions’ Attack and Health to the higher of the two.
  • \r\n

Alliance Keychain

  • [5 Gold] The first time a friendly minion dies each combat, give its maximum stats to 2 random friendly minions.
  • \r\n

Horde Keychain

  • [2 Gold] Your minions from Tier 3 or lower have +6/+4.
  • \r\n

Colorful Compass

  • [3 Gold] Get 2 random <minion type>. At the start of each turn, get 2 more.
  • \r\n

Karazhan Chess Set

  • [5 Gold] Start of Combat: Summon a copy of each of your minions.
  • \r\n

Peacebloom Candle

  • [2 Gold] The first two Tavern spells you buy each turn are free.
  • \r\n

Devourer Sticker

  • [2 Gold] Get a ‘Channel the Devourer’. At the start of each turn, get another.
  • \r\n

Exquisite Dishware

  • [5 Gold] At the end of each turn, get a random minion of each different type you control.
  • \r\n

Book of Medivh

  • [5 Gold] Discover 2 Tavern spells. At the start of each turn, Discover 2 more.
  • \r\n

Ironforge Anvil

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Triple the stats of your minions with no type.
  • \r\n

Pagle’s Fishing Rod

  • [6 Gold] Get a random Tier 7 minion. At the start of each turn, get another.
  • \r\n

Bob’s Tip Jar

  • [0 Gold] Gain 3 Gold. Increase your maximum Gold by 3.
  • \r\n

Battlegrounds Hero Updates


New Hero


Marin the Manager

  • Fantastic Treasure
  • \r\n\t
  • Passive. On turn 5, choose a lesser Trinket to buy.
  • \r\n

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Hero Changes


Alexstrasza, Queen Azshara, Millhouse Manastorm, Cap’n Hoggarr, Vol'jin, Madam Goya, and Sylvannus Windrunner, all of which were temporarily removed from hero pool(s) throughout the last patch, have been returned to their hero pools.


Dancin’ Deryl (Hat Trick)

  • Passive. When you play a minion, give it a +1/+1 hat that passes to a friendly minion when sold.
  • \r\n\t
  • Dev Comment: Now gives a hat when the minion is played, not bought.
  • \r\n

Guff Runetotem (Natural Balance)

  • Passive. After you buy 30 Tiers’ worth of cards, get a Triple Reward.
  • \r\n\t
  • Dev Comment: This can be triggered multiple times in a game.
  • \r\n

Kael’Thas Sunstrider (Verdant Spheres)

  • Passive. Every third minion you play gets +1/+1 and improves this by +1/+1.
  • \r\n

Ragnaros the Firelord (Sulfuras)

  • Passive. At the end of your turn, give your left- and right-most minions +4/+4.
  • \r\n

Trade Prince Gallywix

  • Now banned from Elemental games.
  • \r\n

Aranna Starseeker

  • Now unbanned from Elemental games.
  • \r\n

Sylvanas Windrunner

  • Now unbanned from Undead games. When she said she had no time for games, she didn’t mean those games.
  • \r\n

New Armor Totals


Skip to Card Changes


Captain Hooktusk

  • High Rank: 11, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 9
  • \r\n

Millhouse Manastorm

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 18, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

Master Nguyen

  • High Rank: 8, Lower Rank: 8, Duos: 5
  • \r\n

Forest Warden Omu

  • High Rank: 8, Lower Rank: 8, Duos: 5
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 7
  • \r\n

Mutanus the Devourer

  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 13, Duos: 10
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 5, Duos: 7
  • \r\n

Arch-Villain Rafaam

  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 13
  • \r\n

Cookie the Cook

  • High Rank: 7, Lower Rank: 7, Duos: 5
  • \r\n

Scabbs Cutterbutter

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

Trade Prince Gallywix

  • High Rank: 5, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 3
  • \r\n

The Lich King

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

Sire Denathrius

  • High Rank: 11, Lower Rank: 11, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

Vanndar Stormpike

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

Murloc Holmes

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 12, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

Silas Darkmoon

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

Tamsin Roame

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 8
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 16, Lower Rank: 16, Duos: 14
  • \r\n

The Rat King

  • High Rank: 9, Lower Rank: 9, Duos: 7
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 13
  • \r\n

Elise Starseeker

  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 13
  • \r\n

George the Fallen

  • High Rank: 17, Lower Rank: 17, Duos: 15
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 8, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 5
  • \r\n

Lady Vashj

  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 13, Duos: 10
  • \r\n

Maiev Shadowsong

  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 18, Duos: 10
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 19, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 18
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 14, Lower Rank: 14, Duos: 12
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 12, Lower Rank: 12, Duos: 10
  • \r\n

Varden Dawngrasp

  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 13
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 13
  • \r\n

Kurtrus Ashfallen

  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 13, Duos: 10
  • \r\n

Ini Stormcoil

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 6, Duos: 8
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 13, Duos: 10
  • \r\n

Lord Barov

  • High Rank: 14, Lower Rank: 19, Duos: 12
  • \r\n

Jandice Barov

  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 13
  • \r\n

Dancin’ Deryl

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

The Great Akazamzarak

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

Lich Baz’hial

  • High Rank: 16, Lower Rank: 16, Duos: 13
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 0, Lower Rank: 0, Duos: 0
  • \r\n

Sir Finley Mrrgglton

  • High Rank: 12, Lower Rank: 12, Duos: 10
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 17, Lower Rank: 17, Duos: 14
  • \r\n

Guff Runetotem

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 7
  • \r\n

Tess Greymane

  • High Rank: 17, Lower Rank: 17, Duos: 14
  • \r\n

Millificent Manastorm

  • High Rank: 16, Lower Rank: 5, Duos: 10
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 12, Lower Rank: 12, Duos: 10
  • \r\n

Cariel Roame

  • High Rank: 16, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 13
  • \r\n

Reno Jackson

  • High Rank: 16, Lower Rank: 16, Duos: 13
  • \r\n

Fungalmancer Flurgl

  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 12
  • \r\n

Professor Putricide

  • High Rank: 16, Lower Rank: 16, Duos: 14
  • \r\n

Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End

  • High Rank: 14, Lower Rank: 14, Duos: 11
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 13, Duos: 10
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 5, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 2
  • \r\n

Patches the Pirate

  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 5, Duos: 10
  • \r\n

Heistbaron Togwaggle

  • High Rank: 14, Lower Rank: 14, Duos: 12
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 14, Lower Rank: 14, Duos: 12
  • \r\n

Dinotamer Brann

  • High Rank: 18, Lower Rank: 18, Duos: 15
  • \r\n

Skycap’n Kragg

  • High Rank: 14, Lower Rank: 14, Duos: 12
  • \r\n

Infinite Toki

  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 13, Duos: 10
  • \r\n

The Jailer

  • High Rank: 19, Lower Rank: 19, Duos: 17
  • \r\n

Lord Jaraxxus

  • High Rank: 19, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 17
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 7, Lower Rank: 7, Duos: 5
  • \r\n

Enhance-o Mechano

  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 13
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 12, Lower Rank: 7, Duos: 10
  • \r\n

Ragnaros the Firelord

  • High Rank: 18, Lower Rank: 13, Duos: 15
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 16, Lower Rank: 16, Duos: 14
  • \r\n

Kael’thas Sunstrider

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 7
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 18, Lower Rank: 18, Duos: 16
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 18, Lower Rank: 18, Duos: 15
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 7, Lower Rank: 7, Duos: 7
  • \r\n

Ambassador Faelin

  • High Rank: 14, Lower Rank: 14, Duos: 12
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 13, Duos: 11
  • \r\n

Zephrys, the Great

  • High Rank: 17, Lower Rank: 17, Duos: 15
  • \r\n

Edwin VanCleef

  • High Rank: 17, Lower Rank: 17, Duos: 15
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 17, Lower Rank: 17, Duos: 15
  • \r\n

Queen Azshara

  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 13, Duos: 11
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 7, Duos: 10
  • \r\n

Tavish Stormpike

  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 13
  • \r\n

Captain Eudora

  • High Rank: 19, Lower Rank: 19, Duos: 17
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 13, Duos: 11
  • \r\n

Illidan Stormrage

  • High Rank: 14, Lower Rank: 14, Duos: 12
  • \r\n


  • High Rank: 18, Lower Rank: 18, Duos: 16
  • \r\n

Mr. Bigglesworth

  • High Rank: 16, Lower Rank: 16, Duos: 14
  • \r\n

Death Speaker Blackthorn

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 7
  • \r\n

Queen Wagtoggle

  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 13
  • \r\n

Overlord Saurfang

  • High Rank: 19, Lower Rank: 19, Duos: 17
  • \r\n

Aranna Starseeker

  • High Rank: 12, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 10
  • \r\n

A. F. Kay

  • High Rank: 14, Lower Rank: 14, Duos: 12
  • \r\n

King Mukla

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

The Curator

  • High Rank: 13, Lower Rank: 13, Duos: 10
  • \r\n

Teron Gorefiend

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

E.T.C., Band Manager

  • High Rank: 8, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 5
  • \r\n

Rock Master Voone

  • High Rank: 12, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 9
  • \r\n

Inge, the Iron Hymn

  • High Rank: 11, Lower Rank: 6, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

Cap’n Hoggarr

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 8
  • \r\n

Thorim, Stormlord

  • High Rank: 15, Lower Rank: 15, Duos: 12
  • \r\n

Snake Eyes

  • High Rank: 6, Lower Rank: 6, Duos: 3
  • \r\n

Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 7
  • \r\n

Doctor Holli’dae

  • High Rank: 10, Lower Rank: 10, Duos: 8
  • \r\n


  • Duos: 14
  • \r\n


  • Duos: 14
  • \r\n

The Nameless One

  • Duos: 12
  • \r\n

Flobbidinous Floop

  • Duos: 15
  • \r\n

Madam Goya

  • Duos: 8
  • \r\n
\r\nHearthstone Official Game Site (71)\r\n

Battlegrounds Card Updates


New Cards


Free Travel Winner (Tier 2)

  • 2/2. At the start of your turn, if this minion survived last combat, remove this and get a Triple Reward.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (72)Hearthstone Official Game Site (73)


Inspiring Underdog (Tier 4)

  • 2/1. Battlecry: Give your minions of Tier 3 or lower +2/+1.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (74)Hearthstone Official Game Site (75)


Lucky Egg (Tier 5)

  • 2/2. Battlecry: Discover a Golden Tier 3 minion to transform into.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (76)Hearthstone Official Game Site (77)


Sun Screener (Tier 6)

  • 10/1. Start of Combat: Give you and your opponent’s 3 left-most minions Divine Shield.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (78)Hearthstone Official Game Site (79)


One-Amalgam Tour Group (Tier 6, All)

  • 6/7. Whenever you play a card, give friendly minions of its Tier or lower +1/+1.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (80)Hearthstone Official Game Site (81)


Prosthetic Hand (Tier 4, Mech/Undead)

  • 3/1. Magnetic, Reborn. Can Magnetize to Mechs and Undead.
  • \r\n\t
  • Dev Comment: This card is mostly a card you might recognize from Traditional Hearthstone, but the Battlegrounds version is a Mech/Undead while the Standard version will remain just a Mech.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (82)Hearthstone Official Game Site (83)


Depraved Felfin (Tier 5, Demon/Murloc)

  • 4/3. After you Discover a minion, gain the stats of the other options.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (84)Hearthstone Official Game Site (85)


Indomitable Mount (Tier 6, Beast)

  • 3/6. Deathrattle: Summon a random Beast from Tier 3, 4, and 5.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (86)Hearthstone Official Game Site (87)


Pilgrimp (Tier 4, Demon)

  • 3/4. 1 Demon each turn costs Health instead of Gold to buy.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (88)Hearthstone Official Game Site (89)


Mirage Conjurer (Tier 5, Demon)

  • 4/4. Choose One – Double the Attack of all minions in the Tavern; or Double their Health.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (90)Hearthstone Official Game Site (91)


Wannabe Gargoyle (Tier 4, Dragon)

  • 5/1. Reborn. This is Reborn with full Attack.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (92)Hearthstone Official Game Site (93)


Bountiful Bedrock (Tier 3, Elemental)

  • 4/3. At the end of every 2 turns, get a random Elemental.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (94)Hearthstone Official Game Site (95)


Sleeping Sea Glass (Tier 3, Elemental)

  • 3/3. Choose One – Double this minion’s Attack; or Health.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (96)Hearthstone Official Game Site (97)


Moss of the Schloss (Tier 5, Elemental)

  • 3/4. When another friendly Elemental dies, gain its maximum stats. (Once per combat.)
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (98)Hearthstone Official Game Site (99)


Ancestral Automaton (Tier 2, Mech)

  • 2/5. Has +3/+2 for each other Ancestral Automaton you’ve summoned this game (wherever this is).
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (100)Hearthstone Official Game Site (101)


Mrglin' Burglar (Tier 6, Murloc)

  • 6/6. After you play a Murloc, give a friendly minion and a minion in your hand +6/+6.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (102)Hearthstone Official Game Site (103)


Volcanic Visitor (Tier 3, Naga)

  • 3/3. Spellcraft: Choose One – Give your minions +2 Attack until next turn; or +2 Health until next turn.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (104)Hearthstone Official Game Site (105)


Gift Pilferer (Tier 2, Pirate)

  • 2/3. Upgrading the Tavern costs (1) less.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (106)Hearthstone Official Game Site (107)


Sky Pirate Flagbearer (Tier 4, Pirate)

  • 4/4. Start of Combat: Give your other Pirates “Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Pirate. It attacks immediately.”
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (108)Hearthstone Official Game Site (109)


Cruise Controller (Tier 5, Pirate)

  • 6/3. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, after you summon a Pirate, give it +4 Attack.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (110)Hearthstone Official Game Site (111)


Ice Fisher (Tier 6, Pirate)

  • 8/8. After you buy a minion, gain stats equal to its Tier.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (112)Hearthstone Official Game Site (113)


Fearless Foodie (Tier 4, Quilboar)

  • 2/5. Choose One – Your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game; or Get 4 Blood Gems.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (114)Hearthstone Official Game Site (115)


Hot-Air Surveyor (Tier 5, Quilboar)

  • 5/8. Blood Gems played from your hand cast an extra time.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (116)Hearthstone Official Game Site (117)


Museum Mummy (Tier 2, Undead)

  • 5/1. Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Skeleton.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (118)Hearthstone Official Game Site (119)


Cadaver Caretaker (Tier 4, Undead)

  • 4/4. Deathrattle: Summon four 1/1 Skeletons.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (120)Hearthstone Official Game Site (121)


Thundering Abomination (Tier 4, Undead)

  • 2/6. Whenever you summon a minion in combat, give it +2/+2. If there’s no space, gain +2/+2 permanently.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (122)Hearthstone Official Game Site (123)


Catacomb Crasher (Tier 5, Undead)

  • 5/10. Whenever you would summon a minion that doesn’t fit in your warband, give your minions +1/+1 permanently.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (124)Hearthstone Official Game Site (125)


Cry Foul (Tier 2, Tavern spell)

  • [2 Gold] Get a plain copy of a random minion from your last opponent’s warband.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (126)


Robust Evolution (Tier 3, Tavern spell)

  • [2 Gold] Choose a minion. Transform it into a random minion of a higher Tier. It keeps its stats.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (127)


Card Pool Changes


Beasts and Dragons can no longer both be in the minion pool for a game due to an unwanted interaction.


41 minions have been removed from the minion pool:

  • Corrupted Myrmidon
  • \r\n\t
  • Crafty Aranasi
  • \r\n\t
  • Deck Swabbie
  • \r\n\t
  • Felboar
  • \r\n\t
  • Fire Dancer
  • \r\n\t
  • Floating Watcher
  • \r\n\t
  • Freedealing Gambler
  • \r\n\t
  • Geomagus Roogug
  • \r\n\t
  • Ghastcoiler
  • \r\n\t
  • Greymane’s Champion
  • \r\n\t
  • Hateful Hag
  • \r\n\t
  • Hungering Abomination
  • \r\n\t
  • Magmaloc
  • \r\n\t
  • Marine Matriarch
  • \r\n\t
  • Mechanized Gift Horse
  • \r\n\t
  • Mini-Myrmidon
  • \r\n\t
  • Mooneater’s Champion
  • \r\n\t
  • Murgl Mk II
  • \r\n\t
  • Murozond
  • \r\n\t
  • Nightbane, Ignited
  • \r\n\t
  • Poetic Pen Pal
  • \r\n\t
  • Rat Pack
  • \r\n\t
  • Replicating Menace
  • \r\n\t
  • Rockpool Hunter
  • \r\n\t
  • Silent Swimmer
  • \r\n\t
  • Silivaz the Vindictive
  • \r\n\t
  • Sin’dorei Straight Shot
  • \r\n\t
  • Sister Deathwhisper
  • \r\n\t
  • Slitherspear, Lord of Gains
  • \r\n\t
  • Thousandth Paper Drake
  • \r\n\t
  • Underhanded Dealer
  • \r\n\t
  • Unforgiving Treant
  • \r\n\t
  • Untameabull
  • \r\n\t
  • Very Hungry Winterfinner
  • \r\n\t
  • Zapp Slywick
  • \r\n\t
  • Zilliax: Bonding Module
  • \r\n\t
  • Zilliax: Claw Module
  • \r\n\t
  • Zilliax: Crystal Module
  • \r\n\t
  • Zilliax: Defense Module
  • \r\n\t
  • Zilliax: Smoke Module
  • \r\n\t
  • Zilliax: Whirring Module
  • \r\n

22 minions have been returned to the minion pool:

  • Deadly Spore
  • \r\n\t
  • Motley Phalanx
  • \r\n\t
  • Lightfang Enforcer
  • \r\n\t
  • Interrogator Whitemane
  • \r\n\t
  • Mecha-Jaraxxus
  • \r\n\t
  • Leapfrogger
  • \r\n\t
  • Sly Raptor
  • \r\n\t
  • Keyboard Igniter
  • \r\n\t
  • Twilight Emissary
  • \r\n\t
  • Warpwing
  • \r\n\t
  • Kaboom Bot
  • \r\n\t
  • Kangor’s Apprentice
  • \r\n\t
  • Grease Bot
  • \r\n\t
  • Murcules
  • \r\n\t
  • Saltscale Honcho
  • \r\n\t
  • Tidemistress Athissa
  • \r\n\t
  • Orgozoa, the Tender
  • \r\n\t
  • Warden of Old
  • \r\n\t
  • Critter Wrangler
  • \r\n\t
  • Southsea Busker
  • \r\n\t
  • Thorncaptain
  • \r\n\t
  • Xylo-bones
  • \r\n

1 card has been removed from the Tavern spell pool:

  • Primal Staff
  • \r\n

Card Changes


Deadly Spore (Tier 3)

  • 1/1. Venomous.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (128)Hearthstone Official Game Site (129)


Motley Phalanx (Tier 4)

  • 2/1. Taunt. Deathrattle: Give a friendly minion of each type +2/+1 permanently.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (130)Hearthstone Official Game Site (131)


Lightfang Enforcer (Tier 5)

  • 6/6. At the end of your turn, give a friendly minion of each type +3/+3.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (132)Hearthstone Official Game Site (133)


Interrogator Whitemane (Tier 5)

  • 8/5. Start of Combat: Give an enemy minion from Tier 5 or higher Taunt. It takes double damage this combat.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (134)Hearthstone Official Game Site (135)


Land Lubber (Tier 3, Elemental/Pirate)

  • 4/5. The Tavern offers an extra Tavern spell after each Refresh.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (136)Hearthstone Official Game Site (137)


Prime Mate (Tier 5, Beast/Pirate)

  • 3/9. After a friendly Deathrattle minion dies, gain 1 Gold next turn.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (138)Hearthstone Official Game Site (139)


Monstrous Macaw (Tier 3, Beast)

  • 4/3. After this attacks, trigger your left-most Deathrattle (except this minion’s).
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (140)Hearthstone Official Game Site (141)


Keyboard Igniter (Tier 3, Demon)

  • 4/4. Battlecry: Give your other Demons +2/+2 and deal 2 damage to your hero.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (142)Hearthstone Official Game Site (143)


Wildfire Elemental (Tier 4, Elemental)

  • 9/5. After this attacks and kills a minion, deal excess damage to an adjacent minion.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (144)Hearthstone Official Game Site (145)


Annoy-o-Module (Tier 3, Mech)

  • 2/4. Magnetic, Divine Shield, Taunt.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (146)Hearthstone Official Game Site (147)


Grease Bot (Tier 4, Mech)

  • 1/4. Divine Shield. After a friendly minion loses Divine Shield, give it +1/+1 permanently.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (148)Hearthstone Official Game Site (149)


Saltscale Honcho (Tier 1, Murloc)

  • 3/2. After you play a Murloc, give a friendly Murloc other than it +1 Health.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (150)Hearthstone Official Game Site (151)


Snail Cavalry (Tier 1, Naga)

  • 3/2. Once per turn, after you cast a spell, gain +1/+1.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (152)Hearthstone Official Game Site (153)


Warden of Old (Tier 3, Naga)

  • 2/2. Spellcraft: Gain 1 Gold.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (154)Hearthstone Official Game Site (155)


Zesty Shaker (Tier 4, Naga)

  • 5/4. Once per turn, when a spell is played on this, get a new copy of it.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (156)Hearthstone Official Game Site (157)


Critter Wrangler (Tier 5, Naga)

  • 3/5. Whenever you cast a spell on a minion, give it +2/+2.
  • \r\n\t
  • Dev Comment: Zesty Shaker and Critter Wrangler now work with any spell.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (158)Hearthstone Official Game Site (159)


Xylo-bones (Tier 3, Undead)

  • 5/1. After you summon a minion in combat, gain +2 Health permanently.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (160)Hearthstone Official Game Site (161)


Corrupted Cupcakes (Tier 5, Tavern spell)

  • [4 Gold] Choose a friendly Demon. It consumes 3 random minions in the Tavern to gain their stats.
  • \r\n

Hearthstone Official Game Site (162)


New Battlegrounds Track and Season Pass


The Season 8 Battlegrounds Track, with the Season Pass, features 40 levels of vacation-themed rewards, including the Beach Blast Legendary Strike, 17 additional Hero Skins, a new Bartender, and more!


Hearthstone Official Game Site (163)


For full details about the Season 8 Battlegrounds Track and Season Pass, see the Season 8 Announce Blog.


Arena Updates


When Patch 30.2 launches on August 20, all ongoing Arena runs will end and a new Arena season will begin. Like the current season, this season will be a Dual-Class Arena season. We are also keeping the “one Legendary card per draft, as your first card” rule as a general Arena rule until we announce otherwise. The eligible sets will be updated to the following:

  • Core
  • \r\n\t
  • Perils in Paradise
  • \r\n\t
  • Whizbang’s Workshop
  • \r\n\t
  • \r\n\t
  • March of the Lich King
  • \r\n\t
  • Voyage to the Sunken City
  • \r\n

Additionally, we’ll now be tying Arena seasons to all major Patches (30.2, 30.4, 30.6, 31.0, etc.) until our larger-scale Arena adjustments coming down the line (more on that closer to when they come). This will make Arena season refreshes happen a little more frequently and predictably, so you know when to make your leaderboards pushes!


In-Game Event: The Marin Resort’s Treasure Hunt


Go on a treasure hunt for packs with a new type of in-game event! From August 27 to September 17, complete Event Quests to earn XP on the special Event XP Track. This time, there are Weekly Event Quests, instead of a Legendary Quest Chain, alongside the Daily Event Quests. Complete the entire Event Track to earn 14 total packs, 7 from Perils in Paradise, 4 from Whizbang’s Workshop, and 3 from Showdown in the Badlands!


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The Weekly Quests are tougher than usual quests, designed to be completed over the course of a week or two instead of a day or two*, but completing the three Weekly Quests awards enough XP to earn the first three tiers of Event Rewards. Complete Daily Quests as you go to get that big Reward at the end of the Treasure Hunt!


* Weekly Quests are unlocked for all players on a weekly reset (start of event, day 7, and day 14), but players who start late or don’t finish one Weekly Quest before the next one is live will be given the next one immediately upon completing the one they were on—giving the opportunity to catch up.


Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl Returns


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It’s time to get Wild! Heroic Tavern Brawl returns for the week of August 21-28. Compete in high-stakes games in the explosive Wild format for your chance at glory and huge prizes! Pay the entry fee and then play against other players until you get either 12 wins or 3 losses.


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Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

  • [General] Fixed a bug where playing on full screen Mac desktop and tabbing away from the game would cause a crash.
  • \r\n\t
  • [General] Improved Shop Badging (the “!”), including badging on subcategories to make it clearer what is new and removing redundancy across devices so you don’t see the same new thing multiple times.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Updates to the “bonus effect” keyword! Stealth has been replaced with Elusive in the pool of bonus effects. Additionally, Rush will no longer be granted to minions that can already attack for the turn, that already did attack for the turn, or if it’s not your turn.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] The cost of Cheese Elementals summoned by Muensterosity will now be based on their stats instead of always 9.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Hydration Station will now only be able to be played if any Taunt minions have died.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Explained to Magic Wisdomball that locations aren’t minions, but they do take up spots on the board, so Mirror Image is not actually helpful if you have a board full of minions and locations.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Cabaret Headliner could target spells that Cost 0 when there were other options available.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Terrible Chef’s Deathrattle didn’t work when transferred to another minion (like with Death Growl).
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Sensory Deprivation counted Armor as Health.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where, if you were under the effect of Reno, Lone Ranger, and your opponent had two or more minions in play, you couldn’t play cards that summon a minion for both players (like Rest in Peace or Duel!).
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where a Location copied by Scrapbooking Student couldn’t be re-used until after the game client was restarted.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Colifero the Artist summoned base copies of minions, instead of buffed ones.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Tolin’s Goblet granted base copies of the card drawn, instead of buffed ones.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where other cost-reduction effects didn’t work on secrets discovered by Hidden Objects.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where different versions of Water Elemental across expansions were treated as distinct cards.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where if your max mana was already above 20, Wildheart Guff wouldn’t reset it to 20.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Owlonius couldn’t double temporary Spell Damage, like from Talented Arcanist.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Trampling Rhino didn’t work correctly with cards like Enchanter (damage should be designated to the enemy hero first, then the minion would take double damage, so this combo would not result in more damage to the enemy hero).
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Whirlwind Tempest didn’t give Raging Worgen Mega-Windfury.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where the Hakkar the Houndmaster hero skin counted as a Demon and could be destroyed with Sacrificial Pact.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed another bunch of Banana Shenanagins.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Leeroy the Reckless’s Deathrattle wouldn’t function when copied by Piloted Whirl-o-Tron or Fish of N’Zoth.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Prime Mate’s effect wouldn’t function when triggered in the Recruit phase.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where ‘Loc Prince’s effect didn’t work with Diremuck Forager.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Generous Geomancer’s Deathrattle triggered Passenger’s effect.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Collection] Fixed a bug where one version of Corpse Bride was showing the wrong text.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Collection] Fixed bugs with various hero skin emotes not presenting properly.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Progression] Fixed a bug where the “Great Victory” Achievement couldn’t be progressed past 6/9.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Progression] Fixed a bug where the “Was I a Good Card?” Achievement stopped tracking progress.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Shop] Improved visuals for random Signature card offerings.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Localization] Fixed a bug where certain cards and hero skins were missing their localized voicelines in several languages.
  • \r\n\t
  • [Localization] Fixed a bug where Harth was missing new expansion voicelines in several languages.
  • \r\n\t
  • Misc. other bug fixes and game improvements.
  • \r\n

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Hearthstone Official Game Site (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.