Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (2024)

This is a catalog of all vehicles you can own in Cyberpunk 2077. Each vehicle is photographed from multiple angles and contains all relevant info about its stats, driving experience, max speed, and price or source.

This guide is up-to-date for Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.12

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Archer
  • Villefort
  • Quadra
  • Thorton
  • Mizutani
  • Boutique Companies
  • Bikes

This is a giant piece of content and what you see here is the Table of Contents that marks only the main segments.

Further down in the guide, we have a full image catalog allowing you to browse by manufacturer and car type.

Happy browsing!


Before getting into the synth-meat and cloned potatoes, I want to make sure everyone understands how to obtain vehicles and go over how this catalog works, particularly regarding the driving experience and max speed entries you’ll see next to every car.

I also want to note that, unlike Delamain, I am not a car person. The only racing game I enjoy is Mario Kart, so please forgive me if I use incorrect terminology in this catalog.

How to obtain vehicles in Cyberpunk

You cannot obtain any other vehicles besides the starter car until you complete Act 1 of the story where you heist the Relic at Konpeki Plaza and meet Johnny Silverhand. You must have Phantom Liberty in order to obtain vehicles with mounted weapons.

You can steal vehicles from other people in Night City, but you can only resummon cars, bikes, and other vehicles that you own. You own vehicles that are purchased from the AutoFixer website run by Muamar “El Capitán” Reyes, received as mission rewards, or occasionally found lying around in the open world.

Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (1)

Some cars sold through AutoFixer aren’t even available for purchase until you complete enough vehicle missions for El Capitán. Vehicle missions are unlocked after you spend your first night in Dogtown. Typically, vehicles that cost more are better, but that’s just a rule of thumb. The larger the price difference, the more likely there is a qualitative difference.

Driving Experience and Car Manufacturers

Most vehicles offer one of several common driving experiences. That is, the devs balanced lots of different cars with similar appearances to behave the same in terms of handling, traction, off-road performance, and a narrow range of speed and acceleration.

Vehicles in the same driving experience “class” are functionally indistinguishable and typically have near-identical stats, enabling you to pick from multiple different appearances without changing how it actually feels to drive your chosen vehicle, so long as it offers the same driving experience. Almost all vehicles made by the same company offer the same 1-2 driving experiences, especially within the same model.

I’ll be using names for these driving experiences as a shorthand to describe each vehicle in the catalog so that you know what you’re getting into when you fork over all those hard-earned eds. The most common names include Boat, Slippery Speed (Lite), Slow and Steady, Off-Road, Standard Bike, Exotic, and Clunker.


Boats are typically some of the bulkiest vehicles you can own. They feature low maximum speeds as well as poor acceleration and deceleration. Combined with their heavy weight, they are best suited for barreling through other enemies. Villefort and Thorton make the most Boat-type vehicles.

Slippery Speed (Lite)

Sports cars made by Quadra and Mizutani offer high maximum speeds in addition to strong acceleration and deceleration. The slippery part comes in because these vehicles have little traction, making it easy to fishtail or spin out if you try to turn too hard while going too fast. You can use this to your advantage if you know what you’re doing and avoid it entirely by being extremely gentle with your steering, but not everyone wants to bother with that.

Some cars in this category are significantly slipperier and speedier than others. After noticing this, I opted to subdivide the category into Slippery Speed and Slippery Speed Lite. The driving experience for cars that are a tad slower and easier to control are called Slippery Speed Lite. Please note that there are more than two levels to the slipperiness, and other factors like the overall size and shape of the car play a role in their maneuverability as well.

The additional dedicated testing required to determine the exact relative maneuverability of each vehicle outweighs the value of said information because it would take a fair bit of additional work, and it’s not likely to change anyone’s decision about whether they’d use a given car anyway. You’re either gonna be okay with the slipperiness or want it minimized, in which case you’d pick something else, like a Caliburn.

Slow and Steady

Slow and Steady cars are the most basic vehicles. You can’t do anything fancy with them, but they aren’t gonna get in your way if you just want to get from point A to point B. They tend to be pretty cheap too!


Off-Road vehicles stick to the ground a lot better than most and don’t bounce around as much when going over the bumpy, unpaved terrain. They are more likely to have mounted weapons, though their max speed and size can vary significantly. You can make the most of Off-Road vehicles driving through the desert out in the Badlands. Thorton and Brennan are the big names in the Off-Road business, though most brands offer 1-2 vehicles with off-road capabilities.

Standard Bike

All bikes from Arch and Kusanagi offer an identical driving experience, so they all get the same Standard Bike classification. Only the off-road bikes made by Brennan behave differently.


Exotic cars have something particularly special about them. They aren’t necessarily exceptionally performant, just unique. Rayfield and Makigai offer the most exotic experiences.


Clunkers are the vehicles I don’t recommend purchasing unless you want to unlock every single vehicle in the game. They all have top speeds below 95 MPH and take absolutely forever to accelerate and decelerate, so they aren’t all that functional as transportation. If that wasn’t enough, they tend to look pretty ugly too.

Regarding Max Speed

The max speed was measured by flooring it all the way across the bridge to Night City International and Translunar (NCX Spaceport) and recording the speed in MPH at the time it reached the end of the bridge.

That location was chosen because it is a long stretch of road that is straight, flat, and paved with limited traffic and clear landmarks for measuring distance. The measure distance was from hydraulic road blocks to the beginning of the overhang, before NCX forces you to slow down.

Some cars feature a + next to their max speed that I use to indicate that the car did not quite reach its actual max speed by the end of the test. I don’t think this additional speed is all that noteworthy and opted not to test it because it’s exceedingly rare that you will ever reach such speeds during the course of normal gameplay for more than a few seconds. There simply aren’t that many places in Night City, and even the Badlands, where you won’t face some sort of significant slowdown.

Vehicles with higher max speeds almost universally had higher rates of acceleration and deceleration as well, though most vehicles managed to get within 1-2 gear shifts of their max speed by the halfway point of the test.

In other words, the slower and heavier the vehicle, the longer it takes to reach its max speed or slow down. Also, the presence of weapons sometimes slightly reduces the max speed if there is a variant of the same model without them.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
    • How to obtain vehicles in Cyberpunk
    • Driving Experience and Car Manufacturers
      • Boat
      • Slippery Speed (Lite)
      • Slow and Steady
      • Off-Road
      • Standard Bike
      • Exotic
      • Clunker
    • Regarding Max Speed
  • Archer
    • Archer HELLA EC-D 1360
    • Archer Quartz “Bandit”
    • Archer Quartz EC-T2 R660
    • Archer Quartz “Sidewinder”
    • Archer Quartz “Specter”
  • Villefort
    • Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate
    • Villefort Alvarado V4FC 580 “Vato”
    • Villefort Alvarado V4FH 570 Herman
    • Villevort Columbus V340-F Freight
    • Villefort Cortes V5000 Valor
    • Delamain No. 21
    • Villefort Deleon Vindicator
  • Quadra
    • Quadra Sport R-7
      • Quadra Sport R-7 “Charon”
      • Quadra Sport R-7 “Chiaroscuro”
      • Quadra Sport R-7 “Sterling”
      • Quadra Sport R-7 “Vigilante”
    • Quadra Turbo-R
      • Quadra Turbo-R 740
      • Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech
    • Quadra Type-66
      • Quadra Type-66 640TS
      • Quadra Type-66 “Avenger”
      • Quadra Type-66 “Cthulhu”
      • Quadra Type-66 “Hoon”
      • Quadra Type-66 “Javelina”
      • Quadra Type-66 “Wingate”
      • Quadra Type-66 “Jen Rowley”
  • Thorton
    • Thorton Colby
      • Thorton Colby Barghest
      • Thorton Colby C125
      • Thorton Colby CX410 “Gran Butte”
      • Thorton Colby CX410 “Butte”
      • Thorton Colby “Little Mule”
      • Thorton Colby “Vulture”
    • Thorton Galena
      • Thorton Galena G240
      • Thorton Galena “Gecko”
      • Thorton Galena “Locust”
      • Thorton Galena “Rattler”
    • Thorton Trucks
      • Thorton Mackinaw “Beast”
      • Thorton Mackinaw MTL1
      • Thorton Mackinaw “Saguaro”
      • Thorton Merrimac “Warlock”
  • Mizutani
    • Mizutani Hozuki “Hoseki”
    • Mizutani Shion “Coyote”
    • Mizutani Shion “Samum”
    • Mizutani Shion MZ2
  • Boutique Companies
    • Chevillon
      • Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar
      • Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson
    • Rayfield
      • Rayfield Aerondight “Guinevere”
      • Rayfield Caliburn
      • Rayfield Caliburn “Murkmobile”
    • Herrera
      • Herrera Outlaw
      • Herrera Outlaw “Weiler”
      • Herrera Riptide “Terrier”
    • Mahir
      • Mahir Supron FS3
      • Mahir Supron “Trailbruiser”
    • Makigai
      • Makigai Maimai P126
      • Makigai Tanishi “Kuma”
      • Makigai Tanishi T400
    • Porsche
      • Porsche 911 Turbo (930)
      • Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet
    • Militech HELLHOUND
  • Bikes
    • Arch
      • Jackie’s (Tuned) Arch
      • Arch “Malina Mobile”
      • Arch Nazaré
      • Arch Nazaré “Itsumade”
      • Arch Nazaré “Kobold”
      • Arch Nazaré “Racer”
    • Kusanagi
      • Kusanagi “Akash*ta”
      • Kusanagi CT-3X
      • Kusanagi “Peacekeeper”
    • Brennan
      • Brennan Apollo
      • Brennan Apollo 650-S
      • Scorpion’s Apollo

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Quartz “Bandit”

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Quartz EC T-2 R660

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Quartz “Sidewinder”

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Quartz “Specter”


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Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate

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Alvarado V4FC 580 “Vato”

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Alvarado V4FH 570 Herman

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Columbus V340-F Freight

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Cortes V5000 Valor

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Delamain No. 21

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Deleon Vindicator


Quadra Sport R-7

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Quadra Turbo-R

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Turbo-R 740

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Turbo-R V-Tech

Quadra Type-66

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“Jen Rowley”


Thorton Colby

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CX410 “Gran Butte”

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CX410 “Butte”

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“Little Mule”

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Thorton Galena

Thorton Trucks

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Mackinaw “Beast”

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Mackinaw MTL1

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Mackinaw “Saguaro”

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Merrimac “Warlock”


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Shion “Coyote”

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Shion MZ2



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Emperor 620 Ragnar

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Thrax 388 Jefferson


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Aerondight “Guinevere”

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Caliburn “Murkmobile”


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Outlaw “Weiler”

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Riptide “Terrier”


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Maimai P126

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Tanishi “Kuma”

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Tanishi T400


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911 Turbo (930)

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911 Turbo Cabriolet


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Jackie’s (Tuned) Arch

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“Malina Mobile”

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Nazaré “Itsumade”

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Nazaré “Kobold”

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Nazaré “Racer”

Yaiba Kusanagi

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Kusanagi “Akash*ta”

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Kusanagi CT-3X

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Kusanagi “Peacekeeper”


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Apollo 650-S

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Scorpion’s Apollo

Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (71) Archer

Archer makes junk and some good off-road cars. Steer clear of the ones that look like clunkers. I think the clunkers are meant to be some of the first cars you buy since V’s starting car is also an Archer, but you’re better off saving up your eddies for something better.

Archer HELLA EC-D 1360

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Drivetrain: Front-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 225
Curb Weight: 3794
Source: Delamain Mission (permanent)
Max Speed: 100
Driving Experience: Slow and Steady
Weapons: None

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Archer Quartz “Bandit”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 364
Curb Weight: 2513
Price: €$69,000, after “Ghost Town”
Max Speed: 140
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed Lite
Weapons: None

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Archer Quartz EC-T2 R660

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 220
Curb Weight: 2359
Price: $31,000
Max Speed: 125
Driving Experience: Slow and Steady
Weapons: None

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Archer Quartz “Sidewinder”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 520
Curb Weight: 3036
Price: €$90,000
Max Speed: 160+
Driving Experience: Off-Road
Weapons: Missiles and Wide Guns

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Archer Quartz “Specter”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 520
Curb Weight: 3036
Price: $79,000
Max Speed: 160
Driving Experience: Off-Road
Weapons: Wide Guns

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (92) Villefort

If you can drive a boat, you can drive a Villefort. They’re very heavy and lack both acceleration and deceleration. However, their top speed is high enough for city driving, and they don’t fishtail very easily. None of the Villeforts are weaponized, but due to their sheer girth you can barrel right through other vehicles without getting stopped yourself.

The Villeforts are best paired with the Body vehicle perk that boosts the damage you deal when you barrel into someone and nullifies your damage taken from crashing into other vehicles.

Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 407
Curb Weight: 5004
Price: €$38,000
Max Speed: 110
Driving Experience: Boat
Weapons: None

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Villefort Alvarado V4FC 580 “Vato”

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Drivetrain: Rearl-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 407
Curb Weight: 5201
Source: “Beat on the Brat: Arroyo”
Max Speed: 110
Driving Experience: Boat
Weapons: None

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Villefort Alvarado V4FH 570 Herman

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 407
Curb Weight: 5124
Price: €$39,000
Max Speed: 110
Driving Experience: Boat
Weapons: None

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Villevort Columbus V340-F Freight

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 210
Curb Weight: 4453
Price: €$19,000
Max Speed: 100
Driving Experience: Slow and Steady
Weapons: None

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Villefort Cortes V5000 Valor

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 333
Curb Weight: 4087
Price: €$28,000
Max Speed: 115
Driving Experience: Slow and Steady
Weapons: None

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Delamain No. 21

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 333
Curb Weight: 4087
Source: Delamain Questline
Max Speed: 115
Driving Experience: Slow and Steady
Weapons: None!

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Villefort Deleon Vindicator

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 456
Curb Weight: 3770
Price: €$36,000
Max Speed: 140
Driving Experience: Speedboat by Quadra
Weapons: None

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (121) Quadra

Quadra is the main sports car brand. The game has 3 Quadra models: the Sport R-7, the Turbo-R, and the Type-66. They all feature excellent acceleration and deceleration and can reach some of the highest top speeds available.

Unfortunately, they have no traction to speak of, so they require a light touch to maneuver correctly at even moderate speeds. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll likely end up fishtailing. This drawback is likely meant to be a benefit for some builds. The Cool driving Perk allows you to activate Sandevistan while driving and Kerenzikov while drifting, so the slipperiness makes it easier to actually turn your car to the desired angle.

Quadra Sport R-7

The Sport R-7 is one of the longer vehicles in the game, and most variants have a much flatter exterior that gives them a more vintage feel. Some of them lack a front hood, so the engine and associated internals are completely exposed to the air.

Quadra Sport R-7 “Charon”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 480
Curb Weight: 4273
Source: “Moving Heat” Mission
Max Speed:
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed Lite
Weapons: Aposematic Flames

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Quadra Sport R-7 “Chiaroscuro”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 723
Curb Weight: 4191
Price: €$81,000
Max Speed: 170
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: None

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Quadra Sport R-7 “Sterling”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 537
Curb Weight: 4284
Source: Complete All Gigs for Mr. Hands
Max Speed: 140
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed Lite
Weapons: None

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Quadra Sport R-7 “Vigilante”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 723
Curb Weight: 4191
Source: Phantom Liberty Pre-Order
Max Speed: 170
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: None

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Quadra Turbo-R

There are only 2 versions of the Quadra Turbo-R that primarily differ in terms of driving experience and paint job.

Quadra Turbo-R 740

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 480
Curb Weight: 3082
Price: €$69,000
Max Speed: 150
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed Lite
Weapons: None

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Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 740
Curb Weight: 3131
Source: Gig: Life’s Work ▶ Sex on Wheels
Max Speed: 160+
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: None

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Quadra Type-66

The Type-66 is more wide than long, with aggressive-looking protrusions all over the place. To me, its appearance is the one I most strongly associate with the Cyberpunk aesthetic. The Type-66 is also the only Quadra model with variants that have been modified with mounted weapons.

Quadra Type-66 640TS

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 555
Curb Weight: 3785
Source: Complete All Gigs for Dino
Max Speed: 140
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed Lite
Weapons: None

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Quadra Type-66 “Avenger”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 777
Curb Weight: 4081
Price: €$75,000
Max Speed: 165+
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: None

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Quadra Type-66 “Cthulhu”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 666
Curb Weight: 3845
Source: “The Beast in Me” Mission
Max Speed: 155
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed Lite
Weapons: None

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Quadra Type-66 “Hoon”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 1000
Curb Weight: 3799
Source: “I’m in Love with My Car”
Max Speed: 150+
Driving Experience: Slipperiest Speed
Weapons: Front Guns

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Quadra Type-66 “Javelina”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 1000
Curb Weight: 3799
Price: €$99,000
Max Speed: 170+
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: Wide Guns

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Quadra Type-66 “Wingate”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 1000
Curb Weight: 3799
Price: €$99,000
Max Speed: 170+
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: Side Guns

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Quadra Type-66 “Jen Rowley”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 616
Curb Weight: 3816
Price: €$52,000
Max Speed: 150
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: None

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Thorton is for those who value function over form. They make some of the most versatile vehicles, with acceptable stats in most categories, though only some offer competitive speed with the lower end of sports cars.

That said, they tend to be more capable if you abandon the road and traverse the uneven terrain out in the badlands, and that definitely contributes to why they’re so popular with the Nomads.

Out in the desert, you’ll also be able to make better use of the mounted weapons present on many Thorton models, and the Technical Ability vehicle Perk that buffs them, because there aren’t nearly as many civilians or buildings that can block your shots.

There are 3 main types of Thortons: the Colby, the Galena, and the trucks, including the Mackinaw and the Merrimac.

Thorton Colby

The Torton Colby is, in my opinion, the most underwhelming major vehicle in the game. Their off-road performance is just not good enough to warrant their low speed. The “Little Mule” variant is the only one worth considering at all, though I think you’re better off buying a Galena instead. The only redeeming quality of the Colby is that it’s cheap.

Thorton Colby Barghest

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 280
Curb Weight: 5004
Price: €$29,000
Max Speed: 90
Driving Experience: Clunker
Weapons: None!

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Thorton Colby C125

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Drivetrain: Front-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 182
Curb Weight: 3311
Price: €$18,000
Max Speed: 100
Driving Experience: Slow and Steady
Weapons: None

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Thorton Colby CX410 “Gran Butte”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 235
Curb Weight: 3580
Source: Badlands Movie Set
Max Speed: 95
Driving Experience: Sluggish, Off-Road
Weapons: None

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Thorton Colby CX410 “Butte”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 235
Curb Weight: 3580
Price: €$25,000
Max Speed: 95
Driving Experience: Sluggish, Off-Road
Weapons: None

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Thorton Colby “Little Mule”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 369
Curb Weight: 3726
Price: €$41,000
Max Speed: 130
Driving Experience: Off-Road
Weapons: Side Guns

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Thorton Colby “Vulture”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 369
Curb Weight: 3748
Price: €$56,000
Max Speed: 130
Driving Experience: Off-Road
Weapons: Front Guns and Missiles

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Thorton Galena

With the exception of the junky G240, the Galenas are compact, weaponized cars that feel quite zippy and can match the speed of some of the lower-end sports cars. These are some of the most versatile cars in the game, and I highly recommend purchasing one.

Thorton Galena G240

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Drivetrain: Front-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 86
Curb Weight: 2255
Price: €$13,000
Max Speed: 90
Driving Experience: Clunker
Weapons: None

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Thorton Galena “Gecko”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 365
Curb Weight: 2998
Price: €$45,000
Max Speed: 140+
Driving Experience: Off-Road
Weapons: Front Guns

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Thorton Galena “Locust”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 365
Curb Weight: 3020
Price: €$60,000
Max Speed: 140
Driving Experience: Off-Road
Weapons: Missiles and Wide Front Guns

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Thorton Galena “Rattler”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 294
Curb Weight: 2601
Source: Nomad-Exclusive Mission
Max Speed: 130
Driving Experience: Off-Road
Weapons: None

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Thorton Trucks

All but one of the Thorton trucks are part of the Mackinaw line, though the driving experiences vary significantly, even within that specific type of truck. Some of the Mackinaws have a different kind of engine that makes them feel a lot faster and more responsive than you’d expect from a vehicle of its size, though it isn’t enough to truly change the driving experience. I refer to those zippier trucks as Speedboats instead of regular Boats.

Thorton Mackinaw “Beast”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 560
Curb Weight: 4894
Source: “Beast in Me” Mission
Max Speed: 125
Driving Experience: Speedboat
Weapons: None

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Thorton Mackinaw MTL1

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 420
Curb Weight: 5454
Price: €$33,000
Max Speed: 110
Driving Experience: Boat
Weapons: None

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Thorton Mackinaw “Saguaro”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 560
Curb Weight: 4894
Source: Complete All Gigs for Dakota
Max Speed: 125
Driving Experience: Speedboat
Weapons: None

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Thorton Merrimac “Warlock”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 633
Curb Weight: 5626
Price: €$43,000
Max Speed: 115+
Driving Experience: Boat
Weapons: None

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Mizutani acts as a middle ground between Quadra and Thorton, featuring some regular sports cars and some that have been heavily modded for off-road use. All of Mizutani’s offerings are strong performers in their category, yet they still look and feel distinct. It’s a testament to the hard work that the devs have put into the vehicle system in this game.

Mizutani Hozuki “Hoseki”

The compactness of the Hozuki makes it feel significantly more zippy than other sports cars. It also has a stylish design that completely forgoes the utilitarian appearance of other performant cars of its size.

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 362
Curb Weight: 3194
Price: €$37,000
Max Speed: 135
Driving Experience: Exotic
Weapons: None

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Mizutani Shion “Coyote”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 570
Curb Weight: 3355
Price: €$77,000
Max Speed: 150
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: Wide Front Guns

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Mizutani Shion “Samum”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 464
Curb Weight: 3377
Price: €$87,000
Max Speed: 140+
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: Missiles and Wide Guns

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Mizutani Shion MZ2

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 482
Curb Weight: 3131
Price: €$57,000
Max Speed: 150+
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: None

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Boutique Companies

These companies all have 3 or fewer vehicles available to own and offer more unique appearances or driving experiences, sometimes both.

Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (248) Chevillon

Chevillon offers 2 vehicles, an SUV and a sedan, both of which are on the heavier side and a bit slower. If not for their distinct silhouettes, they would fit right in with the Villeforts; perhaps they’re a sub-brand.

Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar

The Emperor 620 Ragnar is the only SUV you can own that uses the same design as the ones used by NPC organizations, though it’s painted for private use. The big selling point is a different appearance for the same driving experience as any other boat in the game.

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 529
Curb Weight: 6120
Price: $38,000
Max Speed: 110
Driving Experience: Boat
Weapons: None

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Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson

The 388 Thrax Jefferson sedan is the same type of vehicle used by Night City Mayoral Candidate Jefferson Perales. Its driving experience is identical to that of the Villefort Alvarado.

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 388
Curb Weight: 4548
Price: $34,000
Max Speed: 115
Driving Experience: Boat
Weapons: None

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (257) Rayfield

Rayfield is the premiere luxury and hypercar brand. They sell arguably the best, and most expensive cars in the game. Right now, they are also the only vehicles equipped with CrystalCoat technology, which allows you to change the exterior paint job to any color in the rainbow.

The Rayfields only have minor drawbacks that pertain to vehicle combat. They display the road via screens instead of windows, so you will have to open the door to shoot, and these doors get ripped off super easily. They don’t have any built-in weapons either.

Rayfield Aerondight “Guinevere”

The Guinevere is the epitome of luxury. It glides across the pavement in a way no other vehicle in the game can match. However, it is harder to drive than the Caliburn and can’t go as fast, so I don’t recommend taking it out into the desert.

As a side note, if they were gonna give this car a woman’s name, I can’t believe they didn’t go with Cruella. The design is clearly a Cyberpunk adaptation of the mid-70s and 80s Panther DeVille, driven by everyone’s favorite puppy skin-loving fashion designer and magnate.

The name “Aerondight” is most likely a direct reference to the Aerondight silver sword you can earn in Toussaint, in The Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine expansion.

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 950
Curb Weight: 4052
Price: €$155,000
Max Speed: 180+
Driving Experience: Exotic
Weapons: None

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Rayfield Caliburn

The Caliburn is the fastest car in the game and features all-wheel drive, making it significantly easier to control than most other fast cars and enabling it to perform surprisingly well out in the desert, even off-road.

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 1660
Curb Weight: 3682
Price: €$135,000
Max Speed: 195+
Driving Experience: Exotic
Weapons: None

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Rayfield Caliburn “Murkmobile”

The “Murkmobile” is identical to the regular Caliburn, except the Rayfield CrystalCoat feature is disabled in-universe.

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 1660
Curb Weight: 3682
Source: Raffen Shiv Tunnel, Badlands
Max Speed: 195+
Driving Experience: Exotic
Weapons: The Night

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Herrera feels like it’s meant to be the discount luxury manufacturer. Its vehicles are just as appealing visually but aren’t quite as performant as their more expensive Caliburn counterparts. Due to their heavy use of glass, they feel a lot more fragile than other brands, though this doesn’t affect their performance.

Herrera Outlaw

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 755
Curb Weight: 3999
Price: €$92,000
Max Speed: 160+
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: None

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Herrera Outlaw “Weiler”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 755
Curb Weight: 4231
Source: “Baby Take Me Home” Mission
Max Speed: 160+
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: Front Guns

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Herrera Riptide “Terrier”

The Herrera Riptide “Terrier” features a one-of-a-kind design with a special magnetic engine situated at the rear of the vehicle for improved propulsion of its Rear-Wheel Drive system. These attributes indicate that it is intended to be driven by the most skilled drivers in Night City, though its max speed and on-road driving experience are second only to the Caliburns.

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 789
Curb Weight: 3157
Price: €$108,000
Max Speed: 180+
Driving Experience: Exotic
Weapons: None

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (283) Mahir

Mahir sells 2 versions of its Supron van. One is designed for civilian use, while the other is armored and weaponized for civilian use in Dogtown.

Mahir Supron FS3

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Drivetrain: Front-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 110
Curb Weight: 2690
Price: €$16,000
Max Speed: 95
Driving Experience: Boat
Weapons: None

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Mahir Supron “Trailbruiser”

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 349
Curb Weight: 5628
Price: €$94,000
Max Speed: 95
Driving Experience: Boat
Weapons: Missiles and Wide Front Guns

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While Mahir makes its bulky Supron vans, Makigai creates the smallest non-bike vehicles in Night City.

Makigai Maimai P126

The Maimai makes you feel like you’re driving around in a roller skate or an adult version of those toy cars that toddlers can “drive”. No one would ever expect the driver of such a ridiculous vehicle to drive up to the Black Sapphire and massacre the entire Barghest platoon that protects it.

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 126
Curb Weight: 1940
Price: €$22,000
Max Speed: 99
Driving Experience: Exotic
Weapons: The Element of Surprise

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Makigai Tanishi “Kuma”

The Tanishi “Kuma” is one of the slowest vehicles you can own, but its size and construction offer unmatched maneuverability.

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 275
Curb Weight: 2972
Price: €$35,000
Max Speed: 95
Driving Experience: Exotic
Weapons: None

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Makigai Tanishi T400

The red variant of the Tanishi is given to you by Mr. Hands after your first night in Dogtown. The driving experience of the T400 is identical to that of the “Kuma”.

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 230
Curb Weight: 3095
Source: Mr. Hands, Presumably Europe
Max Speed: 95
Driving Experience: Exotic
Weapons: None

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There are two antique Porsche 911 Turbos available in Cyberpunk. Both are pretty small compared to other cars in the game and have a very distinct engine sound that’s higher pitched than most other cars.

Porsche 911 Turbo (930)

This is Johnny’s actual Porsche. It features a slightly lower max speed, but it’s not as slippery as the Cabriolet.

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 296
Curb Weight: 2668
Source: “Chippin’ In” Mission
Max Speed: 148
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed Lite
Weapons: None

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Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet

The Cabriolet is a convertible. It has a slightly higher max speed and is a bit harder to control.

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 296
Curb Weight: 2976
Price: €$73,000
Max Speed: 160+
Driving Experience: Slippery Speed
Weapons: None

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (313) Militech HELLHOUND

The sole Militech vehicle available to you is a six-wheeled tank that is likely designed for use in actual wars. While its firepower isn’t better than any of the other weaponized vehicles, it is roughly 2-3x as heavy as any of the other vehicles you can own.

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Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 820
Curb Weight: 13691
Price: €$150,000
Max Speed: 110
Driving Experience: Exotic
Weapons: Missiles and Front Guns

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (318) Bikes

Bikes in Cyberpunk offer a completely different driving experience compared to cars. Aside from Brennan’s off-road offerings, the differences between each bike are purely cosmetic. Almost all of them are as fast as sports cars, and combined with their smaller size, they are significantly easier to use as a mode of transportation because they can more easily weave through traffic at high speeds.

While on a bike, you can do tricks, throw knives, and swing your melee weapon in lieu of firing your guns. Despite not being able to fire guns or use mounted weapons, many players exclusively use bikes because it is just easier to traverse Night City on a bike.

However, it’s worth noting that nearby cars will be shockingly considerate and respond uniformly to give you room to drive past them at high speeds, so bikes don’t have as much of an efficiency advantage as they used to.


Not to be confused with the car company Archer, Arch is the largest of the 3 main motorcycle companies in Cyberpunk 2077, the others being Kusanagi and Brennan. Almost all of the bikes given as quest rewards are made by Arch, so they have the most total bikes in the game.

Arch bikes feature a less adventurous design in favor of using some more extravagant colors. They emit a deeper engine noise than Kusanagis and have writing on the wheel walls that you might find distracting. Some Arches also have a seat back and/or a headlight that looks like a demon.

Jackie’s (Tuned) Arch

Jackie’s Arch comes in 2 purely cosmetic variants. The first is the normal version you get by default. The second is the Tuned version that has an extra tailpipe. You get the Tuned version instead if you make a dialogue choice recommending the pipe the first time Jackie shows you his new bike out in front of Maelstrom’s base at the AllFoods plant. The choice requires 6 Technical Ability, and you might only get the Tuned version if you’re a Nomad.

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 170
Curb Weight: 661
Source: “Heroes” Mission Reward
Max Speed: 150+
Driving Experience: Standard Bike
Weapons: None

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Arch “Malina Mobile”

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Drivetrain: Rear
Horsepower: 170
Curb Weight: 669
Source: “Dazed and Confused” Mission
Max Speed: 150+
Driving Experience: Standard Bike
Weapons: None

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Arch Nazaré

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 170
Curb Weight: 661
Price: €$71,000
Max Speed: 150+
Driving Experience: Standard Bike
Weapons: None

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Arch Nazaré “Itsumade”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 170
Curb Weight: 670
Source: “The Highwayman” Mission
Max Speed: 150+
Driving Experience: Standard Bike
Weapons: None

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Arch Nazaré “Kobold”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 170
Curb Weight: 670
Price: €$68,000
Max Speed: 150+
Driving Experience: Standard Bike
Weapons: None

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Arch Nazaré “Racer”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 170
Curb Weight: 639
Price: €$74,000
Max Speed: 150+
Driving Experience: Standard Bike
Weapons: None

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Kusanagis differ from Arches in that they have a higher-pitched engine noise and a front tire that seems to handle a lot more of the shock absorption than the back tire. Functionally, this does not make a difference.

Kusanagi “Akash*ta”

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Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 183
Curb Weight: 807
Price: €$72,000
Max Speed: 150+
Driving Experience: Standard Bike
Weapons: None

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Kusanagi CT-3X

Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (355)

Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 183
Curb Weight: 820
Price: €$66,000
Max Speed: 150+
Driving Experience: Standard Bike
Weapons: None

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (357)
Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (358)
Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (359)

Kusanagi “Peacekeeper”

Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (360)

Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 183
Curb Weight: 772
Price: €$75,000
Max Speed: 150+
Driving Experience: Standard Bike
Weapons: None

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (362)
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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (364)


Brennan is the smallest bike brand in Cyberpunk 2077. Its vehicles are cheaper than those offered by Arch and Kusanagi and are designed for off-road use. Brennan’s improved shocks and suspension enable them to remain on the ground when going over a hill instead of bouncing around. However, their offroad capabilities are hamstrung by their reduced top speed, so they’re only worth using out in the Badlands if you don’t plan on blazing your own trail.

Brennan Apollo

Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (365)

Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 94
Curb Weight: 503
Price: €$30,000
Max Speed: 108
Driving Experience: Off-Road
Weapons: None

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (367)
Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (368)
Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (369)

Brennan Apollo 650-S

Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (370)

Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 99
Curb Weight: 496
Price: €$36,000
Max Speed: 108
Driving Experience: Off-Road
Weapons: None

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (372)
Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (373)
Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (374)

Scorpion’s Apollo

Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (375)

Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
Horsepower: 94
Curb Weight: 503
Source: “Life During Wartime” Mission
Max Speed: 108
Driving Experience: Off-Road
Weapons: None

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (377)
Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (378)
Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (379)

This concludes the complete Catalog of all vehicles you can own in Cyberpunk 2077 and its expansion Phantom Liberty. If you want to see more of what’s available in the game, check our Cyberpunk 2077 Guides Master List where you will find a lot of helpful content and more catalogs like this one.

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Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements Complete List and Guide

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How to get all FREE Vehicles in Cyberpunk 2077 (Guide and Locations)

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How to create David Martinez from Edgerunners in Cyberpunk 2077

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Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Complete Catalog and Guide (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.