The M'Alester News-Capital from McAlester, Oklahoma (2024)

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The M'Alester News-Capitali

McAlester, Oklahoma

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PAGE TWO McALESTER NEWS CAPITAL SATURDAY OCTOBER IO 1936 OKLAHOMA LANDON ACES Actress" Shoots Cainerdinan! OHIO VOTERS Deaths la ouiuwu jjy LU wue SUU four daughters: Mrs Lewis Ob I The court found him guilty licmia "RJSse TaKm THE OLD RELIABLE member federal deposit insurance corporation EWELRV STORE I The birch tree sheds its bark annually tHE BEAUTIUL NEW PATTERN IN WMROGERSSON Greece issued the first coin to bear a human likeness that of Athena goddess of wisdom On the reverse side was the figure of an owl Outward Courtesy There is no outward sign of cour tesy that does not rest on a deep moral foundation Sand rom All Over i orms Reference Library Three hundred 'times ten little bottles are sitting' on a shelf in a Chicago office building at "33 Wesl Grand avenue and they form one of the most unusual reference li braries ever established And al though the library took years tc complete its volumes are written in common sand writes Pence James In the Chicago Daily News Each one of these small bottles no larger than a fist con tains a sample of sand from some part of the country So here or Chicago soil is one of the most elab orate collections of representative sands from every part of the coun try that is known to exist 'Unlike sand itself these files dr not shift or change but form permanent record for research men to consultrom these volumes oi sand experts may make valuable readings for the construction indus try or one of the chief uses of sand is in the making of concrete IL McMillan director of re search for a cement association has collected these little bottles over a period of many year All the sand is indexed in the library according to geographical location and one may find a sample of sand from Maine to California or the gulf to Canada In building concrete structures it is often desir able to use sand at hand and through" the Chicago library a con tractor may learn whether the local sand pile is suitable to dig into Whena bottle of sand is brought to McMillan he runs it through a series of tests The sand is put through a sieve to determine what proportion of the Whole is shared by each of eight different sizes of grains Then the amount of dust present in the sample is determined Other tests determine the objec tionable organic matter present the ability of the Band to stand weather changes and the strength of the sand Samples are also put under the microscope for a petrographic analysis Here the amounts of other mineral formations are deter mined Thus more may be known of the properties of the surface ina given locality than persons who live there may ever learn This is not the art of writing in sand so much as being able to read what is already written Vftt) Ancient Egyptians possessed such musical Instruments as the harp guitar pipe trumpet and drum according to archeological findings 1 Use Our Payment Plan The Reporter and the Bum Presidential Candidate Is in avor State Control of Liquor Problems SOUND HONEST MANAGEMENT offers the only way to meet these three obligations There are no substitutes for them in banking laws or financial practices Aviation is causing the gradual extinction of the wolverine since wolverine fur is used extensively in costumes MRS BERTHA COPPENGER At the age of S3 years Mrs Bertha Priest Coppenger deld at Quinton and was burled in Quin ton cemetery Nine of her 12 children and her husband to whom she was married In 1893 survive: ive daughters Mrs A McMullen of Krebs and Mrs Huey Hill Mrs Barnes Miss Juanita 'Coppenger and Miss Lauretta Coppenger all of Quin ton four sons Bill Coppenger Loyd Coppenger and Herman Coppenger all of Quintan and Haskell Coppenger of Texas: a sis ter Mrs Mary Cox and a brother George Priest both of Los An geles her mother and step father Mr and Mrs 'Lee Miller of Quin ten It assumes toward its depositors an obligation to safeguard funds placed in its keeping with all humanly possible diligence It assumes toward its community the obligation to employ those funds through good business loans and ad vances for sound public financial requirements to serve the vital needs and broadest welfare of the community It as sumes toward its stockholders the obligation to protect their capital and earn a fair return in 1924 where she resided until the time of her death She was buried in Quinton ceme tery on Thursday beside the grave of her husband who died here in 1920 Short services were held at the grave by Rev A Smith a Baptist minister of Kinta Okla A BILES uneral services for A Biles 73 veteran pecan grower will be held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday after noon at the irst Christian church of which he was a member Rev Lloyd Thompson pastor will officiate 1VTRS SARAH McCAIN QUINTON (Special) uneral services for Mrs Sarah McCain whodled Tuesday at the home of her son Barnes McCain in Tulsa were conducted in Tulsa by Rev rank Pippin pastor of the Me morial Christian church Mrs McCain was bom at Charles ton Miss on March 16 1862 She married William McCain at Charleston Miss and to this un ion was bom three children Barnes McCain an attorney in Tulsa Mrs Katie Coffey of Black Rock Ark and Mrs Bertie Roak of Tulsa The McCains were pioneers of Quinton coming here in 1904 and started one of the first hotels She and her son Barnes moved to Mc Alester In 1933 and then to Tulsa 26 $1475 nccEstr4 THE COURT AGREES DALLAS Tex (JP) Judge rank O'Brien acting corpora tion court jurist decided today that he had seen his most de termined defendant When a negligent collision case was called the defendant's attomew stood before the bar At the same time the defendant stoodjipJnihe reag of the court room guilty your honor" said the attorney I am shouted the defendant MIKE CAVALLO Mike Cavallo 69 years died this morning at 2 o'clock at his home SOO West Washington He has been ill for some time and had been the "past four months Mr Cavallo was a coal miner in this field for many years and was well known to a wide circle He is survived bv his wife and Iisque Mrs John Clelland of Mc Alester Mrs Barney Ghigo and Miss Edith Cavallo of Holliday Cove Va A granddaughter Rose Marie Ghigo of Holliday Cove also mourns his passing uneral services will be con ducted Monday afternoon at 3 at chapel with Dr A A Duncan of the irst Baptist church officiating Inter ment will be in Oak Hill cemetery BJORKVALL BEACHES SHORE VALENTIA IrlshTree State UP) Bjorkvall Swedish' flier forced down on a flight from New York to Stockholm landed at Val entis today from the rench traw ler Imbrin which rescued him from the ocean A man nipping a dog is old stuff compared to a movie actress photographing a movie cameraman but what is happening abote up your hands and apparently is the order pretty Janice Jarratt is giving to George Watson who snaps al) those swell pictures of Hollywoodians for NEA1' Service Inclin'd this paper Such scenes as this will be common at the lighters a dinner dance given motion picture stars by Hollywood Press Photographers of which Watson I is president on Wednesday Oct 7 At the affair picture men not stars will have the' spotlight reversing the usual procedure 1 you trying to be asked the reporter WithlMeUog that he was laughing at you seen better days?" of answered the bum don't like theee rainy meant was to ask If you were ever a gentleman" always been a bad said the bum cheerfully are asked the re porter curiously always won dered about your type of type of person!" the bum snickered He seemed greatly amused and yery drunk tell you like the 'Ancient Mariner you know Every so often must tell the story of my life Would you like to hear it?" He was not an ordinary bum She could see that as he talked His dic tion and accent were good although slightly blurred from the influence of alcohol And the story he spun sounded like a page from the Arabian Nights As she watched him she had a feeling of haying seen him somewhere before a madden ing feeling that if she thought long and hard enough she could his face Hp had roamed over the globe had sealed peaks of the Alps had shot lions in Africa He had made love to a countess and had married a grand duch*ess He was a membei of Parliament The reporter thought this was laying it on a bit thick Grand duch*esses and countesses grew on every bush nowadays bu' a member of Parliament your old she said rising for it had begun to drizzle again bet you go to the moviei pretty ahe said with a sug gestlve smile story sound) like some of the better seldom attend a an swered the bum rising unsteadily try to highhat said the youngest reporter powdering her nose been a good story Interesting if true and in teresting if She said good by over hei shoulder and started a way with the aggravating her mine that she had seen the bum some where before She bought anothci paper and glanced again at the pic ture of Lord Roosterhouse darn him Suddenly she stopped in her tracks mouth open in a half gasp The bum was Lord Roosterhouse Lord Roosterhouse the bum She sped back to the bench feverishly let me use the she pleaded after she had told him who she was' Lord Roosterhouse waved a genial but uncertain hand "And what do you think of short skirts? And the ice water fa our And our Lord Roosterhouse Began again fool for muttered the city editor as he went over the story fool for luck But it makes a dam good story If she does this very often I may raise her twe dollars a it enters into human relationships that make it unique in business life A $300 saving from Ppen Stock Prices PLUS SPECIAL GIT OER Six Extra Tea Spoons in place of chest a $1975 Open Stock Value for only $1475 By NANCY RHODES viva if HE Youngest Reporter was fired It amounted to that for the only condition under which she could show her face again in the city room was to have an interview with Lord Root terhouse up her 'sleeve And as for nan interview with Lord Rooster the city editor might as well save asked her to run out and bring sack a tooth for Roosterhouse was an anomaly an Englishman who refused to talk Thismanwa the thorn in the side of every newspaper in town A scion of an ancient family a famous aunter a man' who had been the renter of a dozen international scandals and he refused to open his mouth to the press Every ruse in the reportorisl bag of tricks had be'en tried on himhMt he still re mained the Englishman who re fused to talk The Youngest Reporter had had a premonition of evil when she awoke that morning She had spilled her orange juice dropped the salt and flipped a fried egg on her new gray suede shoes She had arrived at the office half an hour later than usual and the city editor had glared As it it made any difference what time one got in when there was nothing in particular to do Nothing of importance had hap pened for weeks Everyone hung' restlessly around the city room All were morose and depressed and went around with chips on both shoulders Even the office boy was quiet and subdued and spent his time eating bananas with an air of melancholy His bananas in fact precipitated the crisis He threw a peeling towards the waste basket and when it landed on the floor he ne'glected to pick it up The city editor plunked a heavy foot on it and sat down with great suddenness and profanity She knew it was reprehensible but the Younger Reporter had never been able to choke back a chortle when she saw anyone go down A crude and uncultivated sense of hu mor was behind this trait she told herself but there it was She could not help it A grin still broadened her face when the city editor rose wrathfully and looked around him "Come here Miss he said grimly wasn't my protested the reporter weakly I eat one iaid you retorted the city editor I am about to say is this: there are altogether too many hangers on around here loo many people all dressed up with no place to go Too many non producers You can put on your hat and clear out and don't come back again he added sardonic ally you get an interview with Lord Roosterhouse for Thus the blow fell The spilled salt and the fried egg had been birds of ill omen all right enough She started out in the rain it had seen raining for five days looked as though the downpour would last for five more She wan dered aimlessly to the common and sat down on a wet bench to think Lord Roosterhouse was tough sgg no doubt about that But he must have a vulnerable spot She had heard that he was a heavy drinker Perhaps if she posed as a bootlegger he might see her If she see him she might wrangle an interview out of him This was not a very brilliant idea she knew but it was better than nothing at all so she started for his hotel She took out her card and on the back of it wrote Wines Liquors Cig ars" Then she sent it up to Lord Roosterhouse It came back with the message that he waq not in She went to a telephone and called his suite His secretary answered and Informed her that he was not in I talk to you she asked the man have nothing to he an swered She got a paper with a photograph of Lord Roosterhouse on the front page and studied it intently then eat down to wait until he showed up After she had waited an hour the sun came out and she could see the fresh green of the common through the hotel doorway So she strolled up to the common and sat on a bench sgain She found a handful of peanuts fa her pocket for the doves that swarmed around her feet and em boldened by the food they came nearer and perched on her lap and shoulders creatures? said a blurry voice at 'her side She glanced at the man who had spoken and found that h'e fell into that class she de fined a bums He had a stragglinggraying beard and a bleary eye His old tweed suit needed pressing and his shoes bad seen their best days rom him emanated a strong odor of alcohol Why was a bum? she wondered What did he do and think? How did the wheels go around anyway? poor she began Wa that the way to address a bum? brought you to where' you are women and weak answered the bum facetiously He seemed a light hearted bum who took hl plight philosophically WHEN IRST ACCEPTS DEPOSITS MBY HIGH WAGNON CINCINNATI U) Opening a Uiree day personal campaign for Ohio's 36 presidential ballots Gov Alf Landon reiterated today a view that each state should termine its own policy on Terming prohibition great granddaddy of all the red her the republican nominee said the liquor question not regard ed by anyone as despite" whit he said was an administration effort give "the impression that I have dodged The Kansan's remarks on prohibi tion his first since accepting the nomination were made from the rear platform of his train just alt er he had told a breakfast rally of party workers that the new deal was endeavoring to coerce thous ands of workers by threatening those on relief with destitution un less they vote right" is trying to poison the minds of the public by a campaign of vic ious he said adding: this new deal machine which under the cloak of idealism is operated strictly on the old spoils system plan be beaten? say it Today Monday and Tuesday with a Sunday Interval in Columbus Landon was scheduled to make numerous rear platform talks in the Buckeye state with the high point a major speech at Cleveland Monday night Asking his rear platform audience if this were not most co*ckeyed campaign you ever the gov ernor predicted will go down in history as the herring' cam In referring to prohibition he said the new oeai nan cauea atten tion' to In not too successful effort to draw attention away from the herrings of their own The first hair curling method cnosisted of winding the hair about a cylindrical stick moisten ing it with a chemical solution enclosing it In a metal tube and then heating it irst National Bank McAlester Oklahoma IggBBWJW IBi gnr fins 1 1 1 1 ii i 1 vl 1 'I 3 I i I I i 4W wi Wj Kj9r Kgjl IV 1 i I 'I I J' II 'I ii Tragedy MarksEnd of of Annihilated by the deadly fire of rebel machine guns the bodies of a loyalist armored car crew lie sprawled beside it in Spain HR V' MBHttOhBg JOB! 4 Baseball Stars to' Shine at Meeker MEEKER Okla Meeker will be represented on the baseball field next Thursday by some of the greatest star tn baseball A game will be played as a fea ture of a celebration in honor of Carl Hubbell New York pitching ace and Jim Winford who has returned from his first full season of pitching for the St Louis Cardinals And against them Cy Blanton sensation of the Pittsburgh Pi rates pitching staff may hurl for a combined Shawnee Seminole nine Jeff Hampton "said the Meeker lineup would contain three Hub bells Carl Merritt and Jay Jim and Bill Winford Boots Holder" Howard Parks Rasy Honeycutt and Earmal and Lloyd JHiill He hoped to get Lloyd Waner Pitts burgh batting star to play The game will begin at 2 giving Carl Hubbell plenty of op portunity to get to Oklahoma City where a banquet awaits him that night ELECTED PRESIDENT PROVIDENCE Brlga dler General Gardner of Rich mond Va was elected president" of the National Guard association of the United States today The con vention voted to meet next year in Montgomery YOUR TOWN City Bits TEN MONTHS TO A YEAR TO REPAY $50 to $1000 profit tak Phone 60S We Close Satnrdays at 12:30 taoNAi Bamof McAlester reedom of Judgment Hearing on the petition for an injunction asked by two elders of the Church of Christ against an other elder and some of the mem bers set for 9 this morn ing in 'district court was continued to Wednesday morning of next Two thousand sheep and 400 cattle were killed by huge hail stones in one section of the Trans vaal' South Africa governments i industrialists If you are too busy to pay any attention to efforts to further the interests of the town it you are too busy to do a good turn for a neighbor citizens who are alive will regard you as they do the tele phone that Is busy: all sad words 'of tongue or pen the sad dest are call Some folks are too busy to think of anybody else Such are likely to find the other fellow too busy to think of them The institution public or private that desires to get business will do well to think ot others If it would have others tnink of them Geod will is worth something to everybody No business or institution will amount to what it might be if it fails to take an Interest in any thing but itself This bank has no special interests to servo or motives to satisfy other than strict adherence to the principles and practices of good every day banking It is free to use its best thought and toexercise its honest opinion op the merits of every transaction presented for its consideration Bridal Bouquet The Beautiful All Over loral Design is becoming a favorite The beck of handles are plain polished and beautlfuly shaped for engraving See this pretty pattern Ray De La Mater QUALITY JEWELER Let us help carry the load If you are debt ladened a Muskogee Industrial" loan can giye immediate relief I This company lends thousands of dollars every month to enable men and women in all walks of life to consolidate their debts in a loan MUSKOGEE INDUSTRIAL INANCE CORPORATION No 3 East" Choctaw is essential tosound banking policies NEW YORK irm uuy overcomes Ing Irregular easy some lift oreign steady Hol land guilders up Barely steady local and southern hedge selling CHICAGO: Higher big Canadian ex perts Easy government report bearish Nominally steady Steady Its judgment as to the loans it grants and the investments if makes are unswayed bycdnsIdercR? tions that are not directly a part of safe con servative and constructive banking We believe that this is fundamental to sound banking practice that it is also the friendliest type of service we can render our depositors and our community Haileyville Girl In Race SHAWNEE (Special) Miss Moorene Moore daughter of Mr and Mrs Moore of Hailey ville was selected this week as candidate for band queen from the freshman class of the Okla homa Baptist university InShaw ree Mss Moore wax graduated from the Haileyville high school in th? class of 1936 While in' high school she was a member of the glee club Spanish club" pep' club and the Dramatic club As soon as its spawning season is over the adult eel dies Roy Varley of Krebs has been appointed by the district com mander of the American Legion to be county commander A meeting of Leglonaires to be held Monday night in Krebs will confirm this appointment it was stated Markets at a Glance' I I Si Hfl "'K jjaT': Vlf 13b i KI.

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The M'Alester News-Capital from McAlester, Oklahoma (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.