Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (2024)

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Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (1)

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I’ll start…

I didnt know baby was OP (sunny side up). I Went unmedicated until I was ready to push. By then my back hurt so freaking much, I couldnt sustain my body in any position and requested an epidural bc I couldnt bare the pain. I really felt like my spine wanted to break in half from the inside out.

After about 4 hours of pushing, we learned about his poistion. It took forever. I pushed for 9 hours. We needed vacuum assistance at the end. 21 hours of labor total. It was brutal, but it was a vbac and Im so glad I was able to finish vagin*lly.

Had a second degree tear and an inmese pain in my butthole still 10 days later from pushing so long. I think a hemorrhoid too.

This OP thing was brutal lol. How was your experience?

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I had posterior baby with my first, was so terrible. Made labour progress so slowly and 48 hours later I requested epidural and then labour progressed slowly after that until 9 cm stalled and nurse realized baby was sunny side up and turned her around by putting her hand up there. I pushed for an hour after this and she came out face first so I had 2nd degree tear. really hoping this baby is not posterior again lol

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I had back labor with my first daughter and the worst part was that the medical team didn’t even tell me that’s what it was. I wanted to go unmedicated but the pain was 10x worse than what I expected. Each contraction nearly knocked me out. After 10 hours, I finally gave in to the epidural. The entire labor and delivery took 22 hours.

After I returned home, I was curious about the extreme pain and learned about it on my own by Googling my symptoms that I was in back labor.

Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (14) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (15) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (16) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (17) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (18) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (19)


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FTM and I gave birth to a sunny side up baby girl last week. I had to be induced early at 38 weeks 4 days because of gestational hypertension and I didn't know she was OP until delivery either. Although it was painful to get the epidural, I made sure to get it before they broke my water. It was better to be safe (in terms of pain) than sorry during delivery. My OB and nurses were amazed I could still move around so well with it but not feel anything down there. Because I couldn't feel anything down there it was a little weird to push but the pain between my shoulders and my upper back was so bad from pushing that my husband had to keep massaging me in that area in between contractions. With that said I only pushed for 2.5 hours and was very thankful I didn't have to get a c-section but wow, did it feel crazy to feel her down there before I completely pushed her out.

Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (20) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (21) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (22) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (23) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (24) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (25)


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Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (26)


My last 3 (and this one) felt sunny side up with their kicks. All turned in labor to face my back, slightly to the right. Except my last, she was facing my left leg. This one is moving a lot. At fetal assessment on Monday was facing my right side. My appointment on Tuesday seemed to have baby facing the left again. I'm due in a couple of days. I didn't have much pain with my son even though I felt all his kicks to the front. The girls were rough though.

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My son was also OP and the back labor was horrendous!! This is my third and my doctor turned him right as I was pushing to OA so he flew out but it would have been longer if my doctor didn’t turn him

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I requested an early epidural, so I thankfully didn't feel the pain of having my LO sunny side up. We tried to push her out normally, but her heart rate would drop for stretches. Labor was about 13 hours total and 30 minutes of pushing with a vacuum assisted delivery at the end. I had a 3rd degree tear which is taking forever to fully heal.

Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (39) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (40) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (41) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (42) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (43) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (44)


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My first was sunny side up. I had back labor the entire time, it was horrible. Only position I could be in was on my hands and knees while arching my back to try to relieve some of the pressure from the back of her head pushing against my spine. Thankfully though I had a relatively fast labor and it was over in 7 hours… but it was very intense from the start. I had a second degree tear, almost a third degree. I’m a few days over due and praying he stays in a good position! But I’ve heard you can have back labor even if they’re not sunny side up? So not sure if I’ll escape it again…

Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (45) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (46) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (47) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (48) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (49) Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (50)


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My baby was sunny side up and I immediately got the epidural at 2cm - right after they broke my water- I had a fully induced labor with Pitocin- once I dilated to 10cm I felt the immense back pain even with the epidural and asked them to up the dosage which was a mistake - then I couldn’t feel anything to push and we had to turn the epidural off- after 2.5 hours of pushing she came flying out literally the doctor had to catch her and I had a 3rd degree tear… I’m 3 weeks postpartum now and feeling much better down there

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you pushed for 2.5 hours with the epi off?? Omg! You’re so brave!

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well technically I pushed with Epi off for 30 min to an hour - after pushing for so long with it on and nothing was happening ������

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Did you have a sunny side up baby and what was your labor like? - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 3 (2024)
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